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I report spam, don't get Email responses, but I have unreported spam


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This has been going on for a month or more now:

I get a piece of spam, so I send it to my special "submit..." Email address:

  • The Submit address is the only recipient, and I put it in the To field, not CC or BCC.
  • I don't have any special name tag in my address book, e.g., "SpamCopReport" < submit...[at]spamcop.net >
  • I always forward one spam at a time, and always as an attachment.
  • I use Comcast's web-based Email, not Outlook, Outlook Express, or anything else.
  • I've tried it both with and without any body text.

I've done it this way for years, but lately I haven't been getting any auto-responses back (with the reporting link). However, when I log in to www.spamcop.net I have a whole bunch of unreported spam, so I report it all.

What's going on with the auto-responder? Maybe I have to erase all my Email host settings and reconfigure?

Thanks for looking into this...

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This is a problem that is reported here every now and then.

Check with your ISP mail server. They have changed how they "protect you" from spam.

You should be able to white list SpamCop.net Your provider is currently dropping all SpamCop email in the bit bucket without any word to you.

There is also a possibility that your ISP has bounced a message to you from SpamCop. I assume you have logged into SpamCop and NOT seen a warning that SpamCop has received bounce messages from your email address. If this is the case, talk to you ISP so you can get email from SpamCop. Then go back to your SpamCop account and clear the bounce flag.

One of these two actions should fix your problem. If not let us know, and we will dig deeper.

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Hi, jasmith4,
&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Please review the SpamCop Forum topic "Emailed spam Submissions Disappearing? No Confirmation e-mails?" to check whether any of those items may be relevant to your situation. If not, please explain your situation to the SpamCop Deputies at e-mail address deputies[at]admin.spamcop.net. Good luck!

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Thanks, gentlemen. I had already set up a filter with the simple rule that the From address contain "spamcop.net". Just for the heck of it I deleted my one mail host and re-created it. It have me two choices, one unchecked, so I checked it, and I got two config Emails, each with an Email address to forward it and a web-page link into which to paste the full headers and body. The Email forwarding failed, but the web page succeeded, for both.

So I'll see what happens now...

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