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Posts posted by Bob

  1. I contacted the deputies and we confirmed that the emails for Reports Ready to be Processed were in fact being sent and no bounce notifications were being received.  I went back to level 3 support in my ISP.  They found that new security protocols had been implemented which includes the requirement for a valid current DMARC for a message acceptance.  SpamCop's DMARC is not current per their definition.

    Deputies are aware of that issue now and working to find a solution but it's complicated.  It's not a simple matter of saying mail with a from address of @spamcop.net will come from a particular server or set of servers.  The record has to remain open because there are tens of thousands of users out there with @spamcop.net/@cesmail.net/@cqmail.net addresses that send through their own servers.  If the domain is locked down in a DMARC record it would break their ability to send mail.

    While the issue is being worked, I just have to remember to subsequently login and report the messages I've submitted.  I'll post here what the Deputies conclude.

  2. I submitted 4 spam messages this morning with the same result:  no email received that reports were ready, went to website, found them as Reports Saved, cleared by reported them.

    I don't see Preferences but I went to Settings> Account Settings and the email address and password there are correct.

    I checked notifications and although I'm set to receive en email when there is new content on a post I start or follow, I am not receiving those emails either (as I always have before).  "Notify me of replies" is also checked at the bottom of this Topic.

    Under Notification Settings there is a box to the right that says"Browser notifications not enabled".  I clicked on "Enable browser notifications", response said I would shortly be prompted to allow notifications from SpamCop but I did not receive that prompt or request.


    • Submissions are received since they appear as Reports Saved.
    • There is no bounce flag after logging in
    • SpamCop is on my whitelist
    • Settings call for emails when content is added to topic I create but they have stopped.

    If SpamCop tried to send those emails that reports were ready to be processed, I would have received them or seen them in my spam folders; or they would have bounced and I'd see a bounce flag on the site.  It seems communication is not being originated from SpamCop to my email address.


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