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I decided to give this a try and so far I am having a couple of problems...

1. I have tried to add an email address on frontiernet.net with no luck, the system tells me that one email has been sent to mx.frontiernet.net but I never receive it.

2. I added a juno.com account to my mailhosts and not it thinks my spamcop email forwards to Juno. And also my SpamCop mailhost shows my juno.com email instead of my spamcop.net one. I will try to re-register my spamcop.net email to see if that fixes this problem.

I will continue playing with this and report later...

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It was working for me until about 10 hours ago. Then, it stopped recognizing my ISP servers, and the reports were tellling me to complete mailhost registration. I deleted all the maihosts for now and decided to wait until I hear from julian.

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As indigo said...

It was working for me until about 10 hours ago. Then, it stopped recognizing my ISP servers, and the reports were tellling me to complete mailhost registration

Same for me, But it was about 4 hours ago that is stopped working. I reported about 30 emails this morning and it worked great. I have been working with Ellen and I am waiting to hear back from her.

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As indigo said...

It was working for me until about 10 hours ago. Then, it stopped recognizing my ISP servers, and the reports were tellling me to complete mailhost registration

Same for me, But it was about 4 hours ago that is stopped working. I reported about 30 emails this morning and it worked great. I have been working with Ellen and I am waiting to hear back from her.

bleh -- looks like it's not recognizing the by fed1mtai03.cox.net received header ....

Received: from pop.west.cox.net []

by mailgate.cesmail.net with POP3 (fetchmail-6.2.1)

for x (single-drop); Sat, 20 Mar 2004 14:18:16 -0500 (EST)

Received: from modemcable073.112-200-24.mc.videotron.ca ([])

by fed1mtai03.cox.net

(InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-108-20031117) with SMTP

id <20040320191752.URBN27601.fed1mtai03.cox.net[at]modemcable073.112-200-24.mc.videotron.ca>;

Sat, 20 Mar 2004 14:17:52 -0500

Sending this to Julian

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For the most part I have completed the mailhost configuration for my email accounts... I am just having problems adding an email account from frontiernet.net... I go to "Add new hosts" and it tells me it will send a message to mx.frontiernet.net, but I never get such mail.

Any ideas?



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