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Soamcope Reporting Useless?


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For the past couple of days, all of the spam that I've reported to Spamcop has returned with an analysis of No IP found. Nothing to do. I know that these spam messages did not come from within my ISP or mail service, so something is definitely a miss.

While I can appreciate the use of DNSBL servers available with Spamcop webmail, I am finding that reporting spam is no longer worth the trouble.

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For the past couple of days, all of the spam that I've reported to Spamcop has returned with an analysis of No IP found. Nothing to do. I know that these spam messages did not come from within my ISP or mail service, so something is definitely a miss.

While I can appreciate the use of DNSBL servers available with Spamcop webmail, I am finding that reporting spam is no longer worth the trouble.

Still working for me? What is your email client and version?

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I had the same problem. Here the tracking url:


Gmail webmail pages don't give source IP's they only give Gmails intranet figures (all you can do is hit the Report spam TAB)

To get full headers from Gmail you need to POP their server

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Gmail webmail pages don't give source IP's they only give Gmails intranet figures (all you can do is hit the Report spam TAB)

To get full headers from Gmail you need to POP their server

I never used Gmail web mail. The sources is extracted with CTRL+U in Mozilla Seamonkey Mail configured for an IMAP account. I reported hundred mails with this method, this is the first time I got this error.

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I never used Gmail web mail. The sources is extracted with CTRL+U in Mozilla Seamonkey Mail configured for an IMAP account. I reported hundred mails with this method, this is the first time I got this error.

the headers


Are only showing a Gmail intranet IP so the email has (IMO) come from Gmail to Gmail.

Pays to have your email client "leave email on server" (it won't keep downloading, it becomes marked read)

To report this you need to use the Gmail Webmail button "report spam"

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