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Unreported spam


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I report spam to SpamCop via Mailwasher Pro and, until recently, after sending the spam reports from SpamCop, I used to get a message something like "You have unreported spam, send now?"

I no longer see these messages, what happens to spam that I haven't reported? Does it clog up your system?


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Hi George,

Your spam is getting forwarded for parsing and full reporting via MW similarly to the process described at http://forum.firetrust.com/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=10200? You should be getting confirmation e-mails back with "Subject: [spamCop] has accepted (n) emails for processing" and with (n) links for you to review your submissions and to submit (or cancel) reports. You don't mention those - SC would probably suspend your reporting if those were getting bounced back to them.

The "Unreported spam Saved: Report Now" link is the message seen if you look in your member webpage (http://members.spamcop.net) before releasing subsequent reports, either after following the e-mailed links or by logging in directly. Can you log-in there and if that message is there, just complete (or cancel) by following the link until all are cleared - or select the "Remove all unreported spam" link.

If there is neither the "Unreported spam" link nor an error message then your submissions are not getting thorough to SC - and of course there would be no confirmation e-mails. One reason for non-delivery can be if your service provider is blocking them (outgoing blocking) but there will be other other possibilities besides. Perhaps stan_qaz's post in the Firetrust forums (first link) might indicate the problem area?


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You should be getting confirmation e-mails back with "Subject: [spamCop] has accepted (n) emails for processing" and with (n) links for you to review your submissions and to submit (or cancel) reports. You don't mention those - SC would probably suspend your reporting if those were getting bounced back to them.

Thanks Steve,

I am getting the emails and I can report spam but I need to click separately on each link in the email.

Previously, after clicking on one of the links and sending the reports, SpamCop used to respond with the "Unreported spam" message and allow me to report the other spam. This no longer happens.

Edit. If I log in to "Members" I do see the "Unreported spam" message. This used to happen whenever I reported spam.

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It shouldn't make any difference whether your log into "Members" or "www.spamcop." You should still see the "Saved" link if there is unreported spam waiting to be processed.

If you will EMAIL your login username to me at service[at]admin.spamcop.net I will be happy to look into this for you.

Please do NOT post your username/email address here.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- Service[at]Admin.SpamCop.net -


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...Previously, after clicking on one of the links and sending the reports, SpamCop used to respond with the "Unreported spam" message and allow me to report the other spam. This no longer happens. ...
Ah, I get it. Yes, that certainly sounds like new behaviour/a change, could be a cookie thing or something (I have no clue). Don will sort it out with you.
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George, assuming you have a reporting account only (not a SpamCop-CESmail combined e-mail and reporting account) when you run out of "reporting fuel" you simply revert to being a free reporting service user - you lose some benefits you may not have known you had from the sound of it. See http://forum.spamcop.net/scwik/SpamCopReportingAccounts

You can add fuel at any time by using the "Add Fuel " link under your member Preferences tab. There is an "Estimate Usage" link under Preferences as well, to help decisions.

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George, assuming you have a reporting account only (not a SpamCop-CESmail combined e-mail and reporting account) when you run out of "reporting fuel" you simply revert to being a free reporting service user


...George, if you don't know what Steve (Farelf) is referring to, please see Stan_qaz's reply in SpamCop Forum topic "Reporting problems today?" and those later replies that are related.
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