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Flavor of the week Spammer


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The last few days I have been geting 20 to 40 of these a day, same old job this lcik this link to infect your system blahh blahh blahh blahh I am guessing it a malware robot or a 12 year old living in his mothers basement? They always have a coded message with your name in the subject so it's easy to make a rules to forward to spamcop and filter it and you get tons of them from random names. 



This points to the domain of the week as:

Re: (Administrator of network where email originates)
To: jichen@druknet.bt (Notes)

Re: Forwarded spam (User defined recipient)
To: spam@uce.gov (Notes)

Re: http:⁄⁄securepagesystem.com/bizz/index.html (Administrator of network hosting website referenced in spam)
To: abuse@quasinetworks.com (Notes)

Re: http:⁄⁄securepagesystem.com/stop/ (Administrator of network hosting website referenced in spam)
To: abuse@quasinetworks.com (Notes)

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