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service unavailable?


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Is anyone else getting "service unavailable" when trying to load https://www.spamcop.net/? The next line is "The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later." The line after that gives a reference number. If anyone has posted about this, or scheduled maintenance recently (this month), I missed it.

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Yes, the website appears to be unavailable.  Email submissions of spam attachments seems to work quite nicely though as I just sent in and very quickly received the reply, so it looks like the parsing and whatnot is working on the backend just fine.  If you have enabled quick spamcop email reporting, it looks like you can at least report the senders of the spam.  I'm trying that right now.

Edit to add: Quick reporting worked just fine, according to the response that it sent a report like normal.

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yes just made a forum account to report the same  spamcop is up per many resource sites and can be pinged locally from any device on my network but  on any device or browser on my network when trying to reach the site receive:



Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.

Reference #6.cda61645.1473010797.75efae0

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This is second time .Some one probably do not like Spamcop.ALLLLLLLLLL  DAY spam win .


Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.

Reference #6.cda61645.1473010717.75d9a82


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Yes, it seems like it started working as soon as I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. :) 

Thanks for mentioning email reporting. I hadn't thought of that, and since Hotmail doesn't seem to have the "forward as attachment" option, set up the email program on my system to retrieve Hotmail. This led me to discover that this program puts all the spam (from my Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) into one place, kind of like a unified inbox for spam. That will be much more efficient than checking each one.

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