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SBC refuses to give me answers

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Well I have been sent in circles by SBC in trying to find out why I can't get spamcop emails back. So I am dropping SBC due to lack of customer support. This has been the most aggravating experience of my life. I have been to 4 different departments and each one said they couldn't help me. But the jokes on them, as the Faclities Director of Council on Aging I am also taking SBC DSL out of all 11 of the senior centers in my county. I will re-register with my new provider in the next few days. Thanks everyone for helping me so much and trying to figure this out. This is still and probably will remain unresolved as I still don't know exactly what happened. But it definately seems to be on my providers end. One of those "unsolved mysteries" I guess. Thanks spamcop!!

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Ok guys....SBC finally investigated and responded to me...and here it is...........

Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 15:41:54 -0500 (CDT)

To: xxxxxxxxxx[at]xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: Abuse complaint: SBC Yahoo Support - ABUSE FORM

From: "SBC Service Abuse" <abuse[at]prodigy.net> Add to Address Book


We have not blocked spamcop as we continue to get notices from them

each day.

If you can provide the IP addresses from which you have received these

notices in the past, we will review our blacklist to ensure these IP

addresses do not appear on it.


The SBCIS Security department

Yikes...I don't even know what the ip address was on the spamcop replies. Never thought I needed to check that. Isn't this a peach? Now I REALLY wonder what happened. The spamcop replies just stopped comming to me. I tried again today with 10 spams and no reply. I give up.

Thanks for your help everyone. :(

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