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OK fellow Spamcop users now what


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I have been using spam cop forever via filtering my domain email which caught many of the spam / malware and virus emails sent to my account, BUT since the spamcop split up we can only report spam now which is not really helping to much to stop the flood of spam now in my email boxes for different users on my domain.  So has anyone found a spamcop alternative for email filtering via domain forwarding?  My provider uses spam assassin which blocks or let's the spam enter, the rejected emails are lost in space and I am still getting malware and spam making my domain email address kinda useless besides the fact I am tried of my mother asking me why she gets so much smut emails.

So has anyone found a spamcop alternative for filtering email, it would also be great if it reported it also like spamcop used to, but I would be happy with just spam filtering at this point...



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