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Drop in submissions?


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Looking at the Statistics page, it had been interesting to note that the number of spams submitted in April and May had been increasing rapidly. But I just noticed that, as of June, it's back to pre-2004 levels. (http://alpha.cesmail.net/graphics/spamyear.gif) Does anyone have any ideas why? I know my spam load hasn't decreased significantly this month.

I realize that this graph reflects the number of spams submitted to and reports sent by Spamcop, so it reflects usage more than spam traffic, but I can't see any reason for such a sudden decrease.

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Does anyone have any ideas why?  I know my spam load hasn't decreased significantly this month. 

Well, one of my accounts has seen a noticeable decrease in spam. I suspect listwashing - but who knows?

Also, Spamcop has had some hiccups recently. Perhaps reporting efficiency was hit hard enough to explain the lower numbers for June?

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