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an email address listed in the content


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I wish to see, (When and if, an email address is listed in the content, of a conman email.), reporting being sent to the ISP that allowed it to receive notice too. 

Just today:     I received a conman email that had a Gmail address inside of the print of the letter, and did the report say one word to Gmail; NO! 

That is my suggestion. 

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Having seen gmail addreses in some of the spam I receive, I like the idea.

Having said that, I anticipate a challenge to whoever works on making the necessary changes at Spamcop's end - I have yet to discover a reliable method of automatically validating email addresses without the risk annoying or inconveniencing innocent bystanders. I suspect that many of the cautions against autoresponders and challenge/response systems apply to email addresses found in the email body too. Take a look here:  https://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/329.html

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SpamCop stopped reporting reply addresses because most were bogus.

However if you think a reply address is a spammers real one you can forward them that email to a AI BOT which starts replying and answering replies of spammers (wastes their time)

me [AT ] rescam [ DOT] org

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