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[Resolved] Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source


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The fog is beginning to clear. Thank you all for the verbose -- in a good way -- comments.

I did contact my ISP and asked them to put someone knowledgeable on this question.

"Explain like I'm 75" is very helpful. I understood this stuff a few decades ago, but it changed.

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1 hour ago, MIG said:

Hey Petzl,

If it's not a state secret, how? Please share?

Thanks & cheers!


Then I would be extradited to the USA
Actually just by finding the Chinese abuse desk that did something
 for ALL Chinese spam but must be sent from email account as attachment
in body name the IP source 
botnet source - ddos   anti-spam[x]ns.chinanet[x]cn[x]net

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6 minutes ago, hank said:

"Mail has been converted to a flat rate account" it now says, with a link that doesn't connect to anything.
Tried a password reset and the new pwd they emailed doesn't work.

Try logging into

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SOLVED by Spamcop staff, after I sent another bounce to them in email and asked for more help. Problem found and fixed.
Here is the explanation:
a.local-delivery was in the mailhosts, but b.local-delivery wasn't. At one time that would have been ignored as a local hop, but some of the coding for IPv6 screwed things up so even versions numbers of some things look like IP addresses.

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5 hours ago, hank said:

SOLVED by Spamcop staff, after I sent another bounce to them in email and asked for more help. Problem found and fixed.
Here is the explanation:
a.local-delivery was in the mailhosts, but b.local-delivery wasn't. At one time that would have been ignored as a local hop, but some of the coding for IPv6 screwed things up so even versions numbers of some things look like IP addresses.

Excellent! Thank you for posting back Hank, that's very helpful information!

BTW, don't know if "75" or explain as if you're explaining to a "75 aged person", actually means you're 75, but, that's a long way off old, 'n old 'aint dead!

Happy spam fighting!

Happy spam fighting G🦗H

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21 minutes ago, hank said:

Sometimes asking Tech Support for help is the right way to get something fixed!

My pleasure Hank! You're very welcome!

The (a.local-delivery was in the mailhosts, but b.local-delivery wasn't) information from Richard is important, as has been everything that's evolved as a result of your [Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source] post. You should take a lot of kudos for asking questions and providing information that lead to the solution.

Sometimes problems have many layers/fixes, try one solution, doesn't work, try another, ad infinitum, until it's fixed.

The beauty of a forum is "shared information has the potential to help many."

I subscribe to a few core beliefs: "never give up", "there's always a solution" & "stick to yer lane", the last being particularly useful helping  G🦗remain unsquashed😉



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1 hour ago, hank said:

One of the Sonic forum folks aske for an example of malformed headers here, saying the ones he sees look ok:


Hey Hank,

Welcome back🙂!

Re [ https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6551256550z0ed85f5a7d03a6f2cbf8b615d226c5f0z ] 

1. I agree with Petzl - this looks ok, however, just so I'm clear, where did (forums.sonic.net) Ankh get:  https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6551256550z0ed85f5a7d03a6f2cbf8b615d226c5f0z from?

  • Was Ankh given SC Tracking URLs that generated:

"Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source
Mailhost: Please correct this situation - register every email address where you receive spam
No source IP address found, cannot proceed.

Error/s, when parsed?

Please let us know?






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> where did (forums.sonic.net) Ankh get: https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6551256550z0ed85f5a7d03a6f2cbf8b615d226c5f0z from?

That's from one of the Spamcop bounces I got telling me about the mailhost configuration problem.
Posted earlier in this thread.

I haven't had any more of those bounces since Spamcop support found and fixed the mailhost configuration problems, so maybe the headers aren't an issue any more.

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4 hours ago, hank said:

1. where did (forums.sonic.net) Ankh get: https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6551256550z0ed85f5a7d03a6f2cbf8b615d226c5f0z from?
Posted earlier in this thread.
2. I haven't had any more of those bounces since Spamcop support found and fixed the mailhost configuration problems, so maybe the headers aren't an issue any more.

Hello Hank, '

Thanks for posting back!

For the life of me I cannot find: https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6551256550z0ed85f5a7d03a6f2cbf8b615d226c5f0z on Page 1, which is where you logged the issue & included the SCF tracking URLs.


I'm not asking because I don't you believe, but, because I looked at your comment:  "Sonic forum folks asked for example of malformed headers here, saying the ones he sees look ok"

I looked at Ankh's post & checked what Petzl checked...

I did think the fact your account has been sorted may be why the original URLs were no longer reporting the original error, but, when I look at the tracking URLs you posted, on page 1, I cannot find - https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6551256550z0ed85f5a7d03a6f2cbf8b615d226c5f0z, when I look at SCF Page 2 - I can find it 3 times, and those are: when Petzl looks at it & references it, when I look at it & reference it & when I reference it, asking the question, "where did it come from?"...

I guess the only way to help out the Sonic folks with a bodgy header is wait until another one appears, or, we could ask Richard to "break" your SC account for the purposes of "testing". Whadda ya reckon ?Too risky😱? Richard won't be up for it🤭. Maybe we just need to be thankful we've got more info on this particular issue, 'n, that will help others who hit the same wall?

Oh, and if that SCFTU IS on Page 1, G🦗needs glasses and apologizes unreservedly!



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3 hours ago, MIG said:

did think the fact your account has been sorted may be why the original URLs were no longer reporting the original error, but, when I look at the tracking URLs you posted, on page 1, I cannot find - https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6551256550z0ed85f5a7d03a6f2cbf8b615d226c5f0z, when I look at SCF Page 2 - I can find it 3 times, and those are: when Petzl looks at it & references it, when I look at it & reference it & when I reference it, asking the question, "where did it come from?"...

I found it by clicking through the links
SpamCop reparses every time you call it up once fixed problem won't reappear
For instance if you update abuse address cache and it changes it will then show new abuse address

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SpamCop reparses every time you call it up once fixed problem won't reappear

I couldn't find it either, and I doggone well know it was there.

So they made it disappear, eh? 

Sure makes me look like an idiot to the folks at my ISP who I asked to look into this.

They ought to insert some warning about the change into the destination page (just as someone inserted "[Resolved]" into the title of the thread, thank you.

Dagnabbit.  That's not how hypertext was meant to work.    It's terrible when you can't trust an older link to take you to where it was originally intended to go.

Thanks for figuring out what's been going on with the pointers.

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7 hours ago, hank said:

So they made it disappear, eh? 

SpamCop always does a fresh parse on every lookup.
So yes it dissapears on new info has always done this even in the last millennium 

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SpamCop always does a fresh parse on every lookup.
So yes it dissapears on new info has always done this even in the last millennium 

Well fooey.  Sure makes me look like an idiot to my ISP support folks who were told their headers were broken, and they followed the newly improved links to find no problem.

So I guess I tell them there's no problem with their mail headers, it was just an artifact of something that the Spamcop support guy found wrong and fixed.  Eh?  Or is there still something wrong needing fixing?

Well, I'll be back if I get more error messages.


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9 hours ago, hank said:

1. I couldn't find it either, and I doggone well know it was there.

2. So they made it disappear, eh? 

3. Sure makes me look like an idiot to the folks at my ISP who I asked to look into this.

4. They ought to insert some warning about the change into the destination page (just as someone inserted "[Resolved]" into the title of the thread.

5. Dagnabbit.  That's not how hypertext was meant to work.    

6. It's terrible when you can't trust an older link to take you to where it was originally intended to go.

7. Thanks for figuring out what's been going on with the pointers.

8. Is there still something wrong needing fixing?

9. I'll be back if I get more error messages.

Hey Hank,

1. G🦗H's relieved & amused (more on that in a bit) to read your post, can't afford new glasses and, when things "disappear" G🦗H  get's easily confused, actually, G🦗H gets confused, no qualifications required, 'n, if it's spam related, G🦗H's demeanour get's a tad cranky. G🦗H  hates the bastards. 
2.  Nodding head emoji inserted here.
3. Absolutely not. They're the "idiots", they're responsible for their systems. However, bc, G🦗H has been (not by choice) in the "idiot" zone many, many times, G🦗H  has a "possible technical escalation - protection plan", if ever G🦗H finds "something wrong or possibly wrong" that G🦗H  may have to "prove" = PTEPP implemented, stat! 

On the G🦗H scale of what pisses G🦗H off are: 1. spammers, 2. paid technical support who DHAFC, don't do anything, do everything to avoid doing what they're paid for, 3. major corporations, "software/hardware" drug lords, (their existence paid for by pleb consumers-us) who push products but deny any responsibility for said products. Furthermore, "gaslight" consumers and propose the "only" solution to fix a problem that's happening to you and no-one else in the entire world, 💰💰upgrade💰💰

PTEPP = G🦗H copies everything! (to a notepad), names it something very memorable and moves on to the next blade of grass. When TS revert: "send data, urls, logs, "proof"?", it's a breeze.
4. Yes. That's the logical, sensible - NORMAL action. Not too hard.
5. Had to look up "Dagnabbit", new to G🦗H , made G🦗H laugh, a LOT! 
Master has committed to fixing hypelinks, again, just so I'm on the same page, did "doggone" become "Dagnabbit"?
6. It's terrible when you can't trust - fullstop!
7. That's very kind Hank, but G🦗H can't take any credit, (I) just read things & try to understand, no understanding = G🦗H annoys everyone until clarity prevails. And when it comes to spam, escalations to 3rd pty(s) and the rest, a condition, first defined by Freud, afflicts G🦗H

8. There's always something wrong, always something that needs fixing. 
Specifically, if we're asking that question only about "mailhost-configuration-problem-identified-internal-ip-as-source", imo, the fix that's been implemented has fixed your account, I don't think (could be very wrong here) that SC will look for the same "mis-configuration" in all accounts & push a fix.
So, the issue could "come back", for others, hopefully, they read your valuable post and hopefully, the valuable post, doesn't, in time, become a dead link, 'cause (in my world) it's really frustrating to travel 1/2 way across town and find the library relocated to a virtual space and "deaded-out" resources pre-existing some parameter defined by stupid things known only to ??? who gets paid a bonus for "breeding" dead links, as opposed to a "fixed-dead-link-bonus". G🦗H's getting an urge to watch Life of Brian, again!

9. Good! I haven't read your other posts, (I will now) but this one's been a good ride and productive🙏

The next person who gets "mailhost-configuration-problem-identified-internal-ip-as-source" error, the test will be, fix the account, see if issue persists, if it doesn't, it's worth proposing a review of all accounts and a fix applied.

Best regards!


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2 hours ago, MIG said:

Don't know went to hanks group and clicked a link which went to another link etc until it showed a user track

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