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Another resource, associated with FTC, 


How to report phishing

If you got a phishing email or text message, report it. The information you give can help fight the scammers.

Step 1. If you got a phishing email, forward it to the FTC at spam@uce.gov and to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at reportphishing@apwg.org. If you got a phishing text message, forward it to spam (7726).

Step 2. Report the phishing attack to the FTC at ftc.gov/complaint redirects to a nifty form:


Happy fighting!



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Thanks for that. I haven't sent reports to the spam[at]uce.gov address for a couple of years, after my provider seemed to be having trouble delivering to them. Their explanation was that it was a DNS issue, and persisted with that explanation even when confronted with evidence that it wasn't.

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On 5/26/2019 at 3:06 PM, lisati said:

1. Thanks for that.

2. Their explanation was that it was a DNS issue, persisted with that explanation even when confronted with evidence that it wasn't.

1. You're very welcome Lisati👍 

2. Interesting, I've never had an issue with spamATuce.gov, sometimes reportATsubmit.spamDOTacmaDOTgovDOTau spits back a spam because: acma server detects it as "spam"🙄



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