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I have suddenly found that I can no longer log on to report spam; I get a message saying that I have blocked cookies. To my knowledge, I have not blocked any cookies, but I have used the "Tools>Internet Options>Privacy>Sites" option in Internet Explorer to block certain sites such as "doubleclick", "bluestreak" and some others. Can anyone suggest whether I have blocked a site that Spamcop needs and if so what it is called so that I can unblock it.

I also use a piece of software called "Cookie Crusher" but this has never caused a problem when logging on to report spam.

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I have suddenly found that I can no longer log on to report spam; I get a message saying that I have blocked cookies. To my knowledge, I have not blocked any cookies, but I have used the "Tools>Internet Options>Privacy>Sites" option in Internet Explorer to block certain sites such as "doubleclick", "bluestreak" and some others.  Can anyone suggest whether I have blocked a site that Spamcop needs and if so what it is called so that I can unblock it.

I also use a piece of software called "Cookie Crusher" but this has never caused a problem when logging on to report spam.


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