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Reports Routing to Spammer


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I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this, or if there's even a forum for this, but for about a year reports about Stockhouse have been routing to the spammer (ntp.net). Here is a tracking link that shows the parsing of such a spam:


I reported this on the news groups many many months ago but the routing continues to notify the spammer rather than their upstream.

If this isn't the right place, is there a right place or someone to e-mail?



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Those IP addresses appear to be issued to Network Technology Professionals (ntp.net), so there is no upstream as far as IP ownership is concerned. Now we can do a tracert to find out who their actual connectivity provider is.

The last IP I see in a tracert before hitting one owned by NTP is

According to ARIN, this IP belongs to Bell Canada and has no abuse address listed.

A spamcop trace on gives gtnationalip[at]gt.ca as the reporting address, so that would probably be your best bet for reporting to an "upstream" of the NTP ISP.

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I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this, or if there's even a forum for this, but for about a year reports about Stockhouse have been routing to the spammer (ntp.net).  Here is a tracking link that shows the parsing of such a spam:


I reported this on the news groups many many months ago but the routing continues to notify the spammer rather than their upstream.

If this isn't the right place, is there a right place or someone to e-mail?


the newsgroup spamcop.routing was the place to report this. However, unless you have the documentation of where to send it , they will ignore it (possibly). Since I don't frequent that ng, I don't know if the deputies are still monitoring it or not. You could send your information to deputies [at] admin.spamcop.net and see what happens.

Miss Betsy

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