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reporting spammers use of (fraud) seals


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Hi All

I am fed up with spam/scam as much as everyone else. I have decided to be a little more active in preventing it.

I have started visiting the sites that are spamming me and doing the following: (besides reporting to spam cop)

If they are posting seals on their site (eg. Webtrust, Trust.e, BBB online, etc.) I will report them to the seal issuer - either as fraud seals (if they are) or that the company is violating their terms of service.

I believe that these companies (should!) have a very large interest in shutting the spammers down as it undermines their entire business model and hopefully they have more clout and bigger guns then little old me.

Has anyone tried this approach and has it been helpful?

Also has anyone tried reporting spammers to their affiliate network - if they are using one - (for example clickbank )? Any success?

Thanks Ubi

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