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Now all the spam I report gets "Reports disabled for bondedsender"

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Since a few days, whenever I try to report a spam (by pasting its source then clicking "Report spam") I get "Reports disabled for bondedsender" in red and the spam remains queued ("Unreported spam: Report now"). The only way I've found to empty the queue is by clicking "Cancel" instead of "Report now".

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I've been experiencing the same issue.  All of the spam I've reported in the past few days has been handled in this manner.

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There is a change.

Reports are still sent to only bondedsender@admin.spamcop.net, with no indication of where the spam "actually" originated, but the red line has disappeared and the spam is dequeued.

Not sure if I should call this better or worse.

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4 hours ago, A.J.Mechelynck said:

Not sure if I should call this better or worse.

I think "different" would apply in this case.

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I have the same problem, all the spam that I've been reporting the last few days goes to bondedsender and won't report. I can add another address to the box at the bottom and that clears it, but doubt it's doing any good. I'm just guessing what other address you can send these reports to for the scammers, so probably just a waste of time.

Edited by ocs1986
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3 hours ago, ocs1986 said:

I have the same problem, all the spam that I've been reporting the last few days goes to bondedsender and won't report. I can add another address to the box at the bottom and that clears it, but doubt it's doing any good. I'm just guessing what other address you can send these reports to for the scammers, so probably just a waste of time.

There are some other addresses where spam can be reported (e.g. USA email "police"), but I think they depend on where the spam is coming from (which at the moment we aren't told) and anyway I don't know any of them. In the 20 years or so that I've been reporting my spam I've been using only SpamCop.

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