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No Spam (nearly) solution


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I have a question and a suggestion.

Question: How many mail admins here have servers that have a feature called "greylisting"?

Suggestion: Get it and use it! I maybe receive 3 or 4 spam a week in any particular users mailbox now down from 200-400 a day for more than 2 years now. Quite simply, Spammers can't waste the time retrying 3 or 4 times after receiving a "451 4.7.1 Please try again later" message.

Apart from that I have found no effective way to block spam from account abuse from Hotmail or Yahoo. Any effective methods I might not know about (besides spamassassin and bayonesian filters and the like)?

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I have a question and a suggestion.

Question: How many mail admins here have servers that have a feature called "greylisting"?

Suggestion: Get it and use it! I maybe receive 3 or 4 spam a week in any particular users mailbox now down from 200-400 a day for more than 2 years now. Quite simply, Spammers can't waste the time retrying 3 or 4 times after receiving a "451 4.7.1 Please try again later" message.

I've never heard of this, so searched and found some more information (for those of you that are curious about it, like myself).




A spam prevention method in which the receiving mail server rejects a message the first time it is received. The sending server of a legitimate user will eventually retransmit the message. However, the servers that spammers use generally will not because the spammer's goal is to disseminate millions of messages quickly and not have to keep track of which ones fail to reach their destination.

Based on the "Triplet"

When a message is received, the greylisting routine checks the IP and e-mail addresses of the sender and the e-mail address of the receiver (the "triplet"). If the triplet has been accepted before, the message is accepted again. If not, the receiving server sends a "busy" message to the sending server. See blacklist and spam filter.


Experiences with Greylisting (PDF) (View as HTML) - good read

Apart from that I have found no effective way to block spam from account abuse from Hotmail or Yahoo. Any effective methods I might not know about (besides spamassassin and bayonesian filters and the like)?

Buy a SpamCop account and forward (or POP) all your mail fom Hotmail into the SC email. You won't be sorry! Only $30 a year & PayPal accepted. (No, I don't work for SpamCop or make a commission from selling emails). :)

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