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History mail w/ TRACKING URL reported or not


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At http://members.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=showhistory

There is the History of all the mail that I reported.

Some of the current feature(s)

At that page is the report id, when it was submitted, the subject of the mail, regaurding what ip address the message came from.

New feature(s) requested

The TRACKING URL of all message(s) regaurdless if I reported or not.

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  • 2 months later...

I second this motion. If I click on the Past Reports Link, View Recent Reports, I see this, as an example:

Submitted: Friday, April 15, 2005 12:14:50 -0400:

Re: Fully stocked selection

1403242277 ( ) ( not sent - stats only ) To: cancelled[at]devnull.spamcop.net


Submitted: Friday, April 15, 2005 09:40:42 -0400:

Re: Online Information Request

No reports filed

Now, I can get the tracking URL of any parse reported by clicking the ReportID link and reparsing. But the 'No reports filed' entries have no ReportID links, so you can't get back to a Tracking URL.

Recommended: Put the Tracking URL Link on this history list, and have it there for all parses.

Also, how long does SC keep parses archived? It seems like there must be A LOT of records maintained in the SC database that can't be accessed by anyone because the Tracking URLs aren't stored anywhere outside of the record. Unless there's something I've missed. (Prob'ly in the FAQ, right?)

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Also, how long does SC keep parses archived?  It seems like there must be A LOT of records maintained in the SC database that can't be accessed by anyone because the Tracking URLs aren't stored anywhere outside of the record.  Unless there's something I've missed. (Prob'ly in the FAQ, right?)


Looking back in my records and doing a little testing, Tracking URLs are saved exactly 3 months.

If you submit via email or via webmail, you will receive reports including the tracking URL for every spam submitted. Reports sent back to me 1/17/2005 9:22PM contained tracking URLs with "No data found" be reports sent back to me 1/18/2005 12:01AM were still valid links.

Also, keep in mind that the deputies can probably always pull these reports to check on your reporting history, but they have internal access.

And one more thing, both of those reports would be too old to reparse right now anyway. You only have 48 hours to report spam with good reason.

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If you submit via email or via webmail

unfortunately, I'm a webmail submitter...

And one more thing, both of those reports would be too old to reparse right now anyway.  You only have 48 hours to report spam with good reason.

Not interested for re-submitting, but re-parsing for reference. (i.e., when needing to post a Tracking URL to the forum, or for my own personal reference, or something.)

I.e., when in the past I had problems submitting something via the web form, and forgot to grab the tracking URL, it was lost to me, and the submitted email had already been deleted. Had to wait for a similar problem to resurface before I could post issue to the forums with a Tracking URL. If the Tracking URL for all submits was logged in the history, it would make for a much better audit trail.

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unfortunately, I'm a webmail submitter...


Don't understand the "unfortunately" part. If you use the "Report as spam" link from within webmail, you should receive the email confirmation. If you use the "Forward" link from within webmail, you should also receive the email confirmation. Only if you are using the older VER interface (http://mailsc.spamcop.net/reportheld?action=heldlog) will you not get any confirmation.

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Don't understand the "unfortunately" part.

Ack.... my mistake

unfortunately, I'm a webmail^H^H^H^Hform submitter...

(so, with the webform, there's no history of cancelled submittals, even though a Tracking URL is generated.)

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