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Are Country blacklists working?


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So it is listed on the DNS list, which I personally use to filter mail.  Aside from that, I wasn't aware China had a BL.  To be honest, I'd love nothing more than to block all Chinese and Korean IPs.. but that will likely never happen.


Brandon, Do you use spamcop webmail??? Do you have all the DNSBL's selected?

Here is the list spamcop allows us to choose from.

DNS Blacklist DNS Zone Website

SpamCop Blacklist bl.spamcop.net www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml

SPEWS level 1 l1.spews.dnsbl.sorbs.net www.spews.org

DSBL open relays list.dsbl.org dsbl.org

Spamhaus Blacklist sbl.spamhaus.org www.spamhaus.org/sbl/

South Korea (the country) korea.services.net korea.services.net

China (the country) cn.rbl.cluecentral.net www.cluecentral.net/rbl/

Nigeria nigeria.blackholes.us www.blackholes.us

Argentina argentina.blackholes.us www.blackholes.us

Brazil brazil.blackholes.us www.blackholes.us

Composite Blocking List cbl.abuseat.org cbl.abuseat.org

Spamhaus XBL xbl.spamhaus.org www.spamhaus.org/xbl/

SORBS DNSbl dnsbl.sorbs.net www.dnsbl.sorbs.net

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LOL now I feel stupid. I have SCMail and have all the lists selected, but I forgot Cluecentral was for China. I should probably take another look [at] the BLs and make sure I have them all selected.

I do have to say though that it confuses ME, then, how so much spam can come from Chinese IPs, yet not hit those lists. I also find that the thousand or port scans I get a night are from Chinese IPs.

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