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Politeness and Respect (was This forum is going away)

Miss Betsy

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I haven't been everywhere, but I didn't see anything about being patient and polite. There is the warning about not using obscene, etc. language, but what made me think of it was the answer to someone who was blocked. It wasn't impolite, but it was very "newsgroupy" as opposed to "help desky" That was one of the ongoing problems in .help and one that I thought the forum would help with.

People say that I should drop the "almost new" but though I have used web forums like this I am still as unsure about signing up as a member as I was when I joined the newsgroup. ;)

Miss Betsy

an almost new newsgroup user; a new forum user

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I haven't been everywhere, but I didn't see anything about being patient and polite. There is the warning about not using obscene, etc. language, but what made me think of it was the answer to someone who was blocked.  It wasn't impolite, but it was very "newsgroupy" as opposed to "help desky"  That was one of the ongoing problems in .help and one that I thought the forum would help with.

Please practice politeness and respect in these Forums. Remembering that there will be minors reading them, please don't post anything that you wouldn't want your child or parent reading on the front page of your local newspaper.

Thank you for your understanding.

P.S. I am moving this to the SpamCop Help Forum, as it is OT.

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I think you have added a "Welcome to Spamcop Forum" pinned post since I was here last.

Why doesn't it say be polite and patient? Or whatever you want to say? I thought that was something good. It made me bolder about posting when I was a newbie.

Actually, it might be good to post something about "other users will answer your questions" - then the new poster might not feel that posters were rude or unsympathetic. There is a difference between expectations of a help desk response and a response from another person who is just making conversation.

Miss Betsy

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I think these are all good points and one thing I think makes them even more pertinent is a commen t I saw back in the ng's; something about there not being any "rules" here so it was going to be better. My tongue still hurts from biting it! But maybe it was just a mis-speak. dunno.

KUDOS to those with the right attitudes for the newbies & inexperienced.


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