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  1. The spamvertized URLs in those reports don't resolve to working websites. Perhaps action has been taken? Also, the primary purpose of SC is in dealing with the sources of email spam, not with spamvertized URLs. Looks like a lot of bogus info on the whois for reliefrecoverstrenght.link, which is something you can also use to have action taken. DT
  2. I'm a customer of NameCheap and found them to be both responsive and responsible. I'll need to see some very convincing evidence to think otherwise.
  3. DavidT

    Just checking

    Bad news: the forum server move has rendered those indents as: Â Â Â Â Â DT
  4. I don't think there are 900, much less 9,000 CESMail customers. Where did you get that number? DT
  5. The reporting system and SCBL aren't very dependent on the SC email system. If I understand correctly, most of the data feeding the reporting side of things (the part owned by Cisco) doesn't come from people who use "spamcop.net" (or "cesmail.net") email addresses, but rather from people (and/or automated processes) submitting spam to the reporting side, and especially the submissions from "spamtrap" addresses, so taking our "Held mail reporting" out of the picture won't result in any significant change in the data flow that feeds the reporting/reputation/blacklist side. You first paragraph is all correct, but your question isn't particularly relevant, in that there won't be any significant change to the spam-reporting platform and blacklist elements of SpamCop. DT
  6. Anyone who renewed via PayPal during the last 45 days may dispute the transaction using PayPal's resolution process--see the link I posted in the "No Refunds" topic. DT
  7. If you paid using PayPal within the last 45 days, then you can dispute the transaction and most likely receive a refund directly from PayPal. See the link I provided earlier. DT
  8. That's unfortunate, but thanks for answering. Those who have paid in the last 45 days may now open transaction disputes with PayPal and likely receive refunds that way. I've provided a link to the instructions in the "No Refunds" topic. DT
  9. What about refunds to customers who will no longer be receiving the services they paid for? Please stop simply ignoring this issue. DT
  10. I guess my public criticism during the multiple system outages in recent months have resulted in my tickets and questions being ignored, despite having paid for multiple accounts for many years. I'll update this if I receive a response. DT
  11. I wrote two days ago and haven't received a response...good luck with that. DT
  12. No, the forum is actually owned by the guy who owns/runs the email system--not all that separate at all. I sent an email to the "questions" address, which opened a ticket and he hasn't responded. He's clearly dodging questions about refunds. I'm thinking he might pull the plug on the forums as well. DT
  13. Please clarify the situation on refunds, Email_Support. Will there be any? At this official page: http://mail.spamcop.net/pricing.php it says: "Refunds are cheerfully given upon request if you find that you can't use the system for some reason." None of us will be using the system soon, as the system that we paid for will no longer exist, therefore, may we request refunds? DT
  14. ...and the copyright tag on that page is from 2001. DT
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