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  1. Of course they have "my" address. That is why I give it to them. Like cheese in a mousetrap. If you "unsubscribe" you'll just get even more spam. spam, spam, spam.
  2. deputies@admin.spamcop.net

    Hi Deputies,

    There appears to be an attack on SpamCop reporting underway. See in particular the contributions to this thread:


    Here is an example URL:


    Does the matter have your attention?

    Penny, aka Spamnophobic

  3. Do you have any spam reports which should predate these bogus reports? If so, do these also say "no reports found"? However, clearly there is some kind of attack underway on SpamCop. In the last weeks I have been receiving huge amounts of extortion spam, so-called "from myself", a usual trick. That I have just been quietly reporting them has obviously infuriated the spammers. So now an attack is underway, at least that is my take on the situation. We really need help from SpamCop deputies to fix the system, as well as input from experienced spamfighters who can help block the attacks.
  4. Not showing past reports on first refresh is standard SpamCop behaviour. Click on "View recent reports" to see those in "Report History" over 24 hours, then use the drop-down to view less recent reports, then keep clicking "Older Reports"; this will go back to maximally about 3 months ago, and on my side of the screen anyway, includes reports before these bogus reports. Hope this helps.
  5. In working through "my" spam I have noticed that when I am in the seeming loop, that is, clicking "Send spam Report(s) Now", when it is just going to go back to the same report, on the "Unreported spam Saved:" the "Report Now" link has turned purple instead of being blue. My rather inexpert assessment is that the criminals have hacked the first spam report page to make the link refer back to the report that has already been (hopefully) submitted. If I click "Cancel" instead of "Send spam Report(s) Now" the reporting goes on to the next, not yet submitted report. Meanwhile "bondedsender@admin.spamcop.net", the only quoted destination for reports remains "disabled". Is Don D'Minion still around? Or any other Deputy? OMG, did I just remember correctly that Don died? If so I am very, very sorry for that.
  6. More or less the same here; the screen just keeps going back to a new "Report another spam" screen with dev/nulled report, apparently ad infinitum. Is the system broken, or have spammers found another clever way to throw a spanner in the works of SpamCop? Most importantly, what should we do? Are there still any SpamCop admins we could alert? Incidentally this is a concerted serious extortion spam attack.
  7. Brazilian mailserver administrators seem to be the only ones recently repeatedly sending spam over the same server. I always report, also to Brazil, of course. What e-mail address is the "invoice accounts dept."? Don't know what the "invoice accounts dept." might be. Receiving much spam from Brazillian servers (.br is the identified source). Meanwhile I'm receiving large amounts of backscatter now. Do so many so-called "administrators" still not realise that the address forged in the sender e-mail is not the source of the spam? They're clearly not worthy of the title "administrator". I still keep reporting them in the hope that once they're on the SC blacklist/blocklist they will one day understand that sending autoreplies etc (out-of-office, non-delivery etc.). back to the sender listed in the header (easy for spammers to forge) should be disabled? Perhaps they'll notice when their customers can no longer send e-mails because they're on the SC blacklist !!!@? Lazy administrators watch out. Of course the backscatter getting submitted to SpamCop is simply because my e-mail spam detection is set to forward spam to my spam aliasses to SpamCop which generates a "SpamCop errors encountered" message which does give me a heads-up to resubmit it manually as an attachment. I have nagged my e-mail provider to provide an option "forward as attachment" but they have not proved willing to do that, though to their credit they have allowed me multiple aliasses to allow me to select spam and send it manually. As long as it is included as an attachment, which it is in the case of a rejection e-mail or out-of-office reply, it is however submitted.
  8. This is known as "snowshoe spam". Spammers still appear to be trying to use as many different mail servers as possible, apparently to avoid reports accruing to any one server and get it on the Spamcop (and other) BL. Though in the current spamstorm (Dec. 4th 2023) they seem to have thrown caution to the wind and are hammering at least one server, in Brazil. It's all extortion spam, and I hope anyone on this forum knows better than to fall for that.
  9. Hi persistent spamfighters, Recent weeks have seen a "mini tsunami" of spam against my spamfiltering e-mail aliasses. They are all extortion spams of the familiar type. The addresses they are against seem to have been collected together for some sort of big effort on the part of spammers. Typical tracking URLs: https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6872438022z3beec9a957231590a431826637bc21f0z typical backscatter https://www.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=gettrack&reportid=7298440529 report in Spanish of original extortion spam https://www.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=gettrack&reportid=7297979107 report in Dutch of original extortion spam There has been much backscatter, whereby spammers have inserted my e-mail aliasses as senders, and clueless e-mail systems have bounced the spam back to my alias. Interesting is however that these bounces have been forwarded to Spamcop. Spamcop normally greets inline forwards with a "SpamCop encountered errors" messages, but does accept forwards as an attachment. The clueless bouncers send the message back to "me" as an attachment. But how on earth does it get from there to SpamCop? Of course I am fine with spam or backscatter being forwarded to SpamCop. There was once a lot of discussion about whether backscatter could be reported as spam, but if I remember correctly this was resolved with the decision that any unsollicited mail, including backscatter, could be reported, and on that basis I have been diligently reporting the backscatter too. But what is the step that leads backscatter to be reported to SpamCop after "bouncing" as attachments by the clueless mail servers, without my intervention to report it? Anybody any idea? Meanwhile "my" spam tsunami seems to be slowly abating, with only backscatter reverberating around like residual waves on the sea. And I'm not too bothered as I have well-proven spam defences, even in these times of war. Alexai please note. But just curious how this particular step would have worked. Cheers. PS if this is some new line of defence by SpamCop which shouldn't be made public, I am fine with that. A PM would suffice.
  10. I recently obtained a new SpamCop reporting account. The old one always used to show me an extra field in the report form which I could use to send an extra report. Typically I would use this to send a report to postmaster@[whatever gmail or hotmail account spammer used] only of course for scam spams where the scammer typically needed my reply to sign up, so that the mail address had to really exist. I would ask the postmaster to close the account, and this would typically be succesful. However, with my new account this field is no longer shown. Does anyone know why not and how I could retrieve this possibility? Tracking URL without this possibility: https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6754026074z61bb1c52cba0a8aa80d58b4086861910z Unfortunately I can no longer obtain a tracking URL with this possibilty as reports are now too old, and also older reports are under an older SpamCop Login which I can no longer access. Can anyone appraise me of the situation? Thanks.
  11. Once again seem to be locked out of my account, with long and strong password. Have emailed deputies again.
  12. Issue with my account has hopefully been resolved by resetting everything. Thanks to all above and administrators.
  13. The original problem, it is becoming clear, was backscatter spam. spam was sent from "my address", which had been distinguished by being chosen as spamsender of the month by the United Spammers' League, to among others an address with a default reply to all rule. However there is also an ongoing issue with my account, which the administrator is investigating at the moment. I'll supply updates as appropriate.
  14. How do I contact the deputies these days?
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