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domain changes, setup both? two primary emails, which first?

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Please feel free to kick me to the answers if they have been posted elsewhere and I missed them.

I am trying to do the initial mailhosts setup. FYI, Mac OS X 10.5.6, Mail 3.5.

1. The "[at]mac.com" service I use is also "[at]me.com". My username at either domain shows up in the same inbox. So which do I set up if they are both technically the same service? Both? If both, which first?

2. I have two "Primary" POP email accounts, one "[at]mac.com" and one "[at]gmail.com". They each have their own inbox in the Mail app. There is no FWDing going on. I report spam to Spamcop from both, but I only registered the "[at]mac.com" with Spamcop. I think I understand that I need to set up both, but which do I do first?


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Please feel free to kick me to the answers if they have been posted elsewhere and I missed them.

As before, in your e-mail Topic, there are the SpamCop FAQ[/b[ and the SpamCop Wiki linked to from the top of the page. Wiki has pages, FAQ listing has a section devoted to this specific function ... including definitions, step-by-step walk-throughs, problem identification/solutions .. on and on ....

1. The "[at]mac.com" service I use is also "[at]me.com". My username at either domain shows up in the same inbox. So which do I set up if they are both technically the same service? Both? If both, which first?

If as you say, they are "the same" then two scenarios exist ....

  • As the database is "shared" and there are numerous others that use mac.com, one could run with that this situation is actually alredy addressed by those that came before you
  • The only thing you can do is Register whatever system 'actually' handles your e-mail.

2. I have two "Primary" POP email accounts, one "[at]mac.com" and one "[at]gmail.com". They each have their own inbox in the Mail app. There is no FWDing going on. I report spam to Spamcop from both, but I only registered the "[at]mac.com" with Spamcop. I think I understand that I need to set up both, but which do I do first?

Somewhat confusing .... you say you've already Register one MailHost, but only now do you want to know which one to do first ?????

As per the various FAQ and Pinned entries, the step-step examples offered, the only thing in common per your description is your POP connection .... which really only suggests that you 'collect' your GMail e-mail by having mac.com do the POP and then you connect to mac.com ro 'read it all' ... which would add a series of handoffs into the header of those e-mails. So the real question is what happens when you in fact submit your GMail address to the MailHost Configuration tool, collect and respond to that e-mail from your Apple Mail application? If the GMail servers aren't added to your MailHost Configuration list, then you should respond to the MailHost Configuration e-mail from GMail itself 'directly' from GMail ....

If this also fails, then I invite you to go back and read the Pinned Read this first entries once again.

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I think I understand that I need to set up both, but which do I do first?
It doesn't matter. Since your email accounts are independent, as opposed to one being forwarded to the other, you can configure either one first.

The theory behind all that is that the system wants you to register the destination email account (final collection point) first, and then go back and register any accounts that are forwarded to the destination. That way, SpamCop will already know about the destination host when it sees the host servers in the headers of a forwarded configuration test email.

Also... it might be a good idea to register both your [at]mac.com and your [at]me.com addresses to make sure the Mailhost system gets a good picture of who is handling your mail. If they are handled by the same host, which is what it looks like, the one address will replace the other, but the host will remain the same.

It doesn't matter how many times you register a host. The system will accept it every time and record the latest address used as the current one.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -


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