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Yahoo Does Not Wish to Receive Reports


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Just wondering if anyone had any insight into this...over the past month or so I've been receiving a slew of spam with subjects usually like "Re: About Your Order", etc with links to one or two Yahoo groups. I've checked out the groups and they are always for selling perscription drugs.

When I put the spam through SpamCop I get the following notification when the URLs are parsed: "ISP does not wish to receive reports regarding http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jevisofobegawa/message/1 - no date available

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jevisofobegawa/message/1 has been appealed previously."

I was wondering if anyone knows why Yahoo doesn't want to receive reports about these? It angers me because the 'groups' are clearly being used in spam emails and have no other legitimate purpose than to promote selling the 'perscription drugs'.

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...I was wondering if anyone knows why Yahoo doesn't want to receive reports about these? It angers me because the 'groups' are clearly being used in spam emails and have no other legitimate purpose than to promote selling the 'perscription drugs'.
Aagh, they're doing that again, are they? I have no idea why Yahoo would refuse notification about reports of the breach of their TOS. Or maybe they think 'Canadian Pharmacies' is a legitimate user of their service. You could send a manual report to network-abuse[at]cc.yahoo-inc.com - the Yahoo Groups report form seems to be 'members only'1 - http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/groups/or...orms/abuse.html for what it's worth. You could report it to the FDA and let Yahoo explain its extraordinary tolerance of illicit and fake drugs reselling to them - http://www.fda.gov/Safety/ReportaProblem/ucm059315.htm which says in part "To report e-mails promoting medical products that you think might be illegal, forward the email to webcomplaints[at]ora.fda.gov."

[edit 1Actually, it looks like anyone can use the form. But a member has to find it for you first.]

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