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Bad behavior


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I just suspended a user's Posting ability for a couple of days due to what I'll call abuse of the PM system here.

I get ridiculed by smug answers when i post a question on the forum

so i will kindly ask if u know the answer becuz i have searched and have found no links and i don't have a week to read FAQs and every pinned thread

And with that for an introduction, this user decides to start sending PM traffic to a whole bunch of folks, some of whom haven't been seen in these parts since the dark ages. One specifically states that she does not want any PMs sent in her direction. By the tme I saw what was happening and went through the process, this user had already sent out seven copies of the same remarks and a further request for help. No idea how many more would have been sent had I not stepped in.

Sorry, this is not what a public Forum is for or the way it's used ... and certainly not the reason for the PM function. Hard to believe that this user doesn't havre the time to actually try to construct a good query or make a single Post to ask the question that could be answered by any one of the thousands of other users .... but is willing to sit there and abuse the PM system and send copies directly to a boat-load of people. Again, some of the folks targeted haven't been live here in ages, so no idea just where he/she decided to start with snaggeing names to begin with.

Yeah, yet another smug answer.

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