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Filters for POP3 Collection?

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New user with a question regarding filters in WebMail and POP3.

My ISP (Telewest Blueyonder, UK) sends out those rather ridiculous and annoying Anti-Virus messages to tell me a message that has been sent to me (from someone I don't know, and is of no interest to me) contains a Virus.

I can delete these messages by sender or subject message using filters within MS Outlook when I download the mails. I can also have these mails deleted automatically from my Inbox when I log onto SpamCop Webmail using a filter I've created.

My question is... how do I apply a filter to my e-mails so that the mail I download from SpamCop via POP3 are filtered and these types of messages are deleted at the SpamCop side, i.e. they are never downloaded?

Forgive me if this is a simple one but I cannot seem to crack this using WebMail.

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