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SpamCop not finding the spam

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Much of the spam I get consists of one line with a link. The error message I receive from SpamCop is pasted below. How can I successfully report this type of spam?

Amin Edit: What was provided was a copy/paste of the entire e-mail as sent from the SpamCop Parsing & Reporting System. As all 'real formatting had been destroyed betwen the copying of the e-mail and this Forum application, the entire content was deleted.

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Much of the spam I get consists of one line with a link. The error message I receive from SpamCop is pasted below. How can I successfully report this type of spam?

Please provide a Tracking URL for analysis. As the formatting involved was lost in your Posted query, there is no way anyone on this side of the screen could take a stab at just what your submittal might have actually looked like to the Parsing System.

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Hi, lnesseler,

...Welcome. Sorry that you are having problem reporting spam.

...A couple of suggestions:

  • Please click the large red link labeled "Latest and Current Announcements" that you will find near the top of most any SpamCop Forum page, then on the next page click the link labeled "[How-to] Post a Question (and prevent stupid/rude answers)," noting especially the section labeled "The Details."
  • In the textbox between the white button labeled "Search for -->" and the blue button labeled "GO," enter "SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email" (including the quotes) then press either of the buttons; peruse the links returned.

...Hope this helps! Please return here with any follow-up questions you have after following the above suggestions.

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...A couple of suggestions:
  • Please click the large red link labeled "Latest and Current Announcements" that you will find near the top of most any SpamCop Forum page, then on the next page click the link labeled "[How-to] Post a Question (and prevent stupid/rude answers)," noting especially the section labeled "The Details."
  • In the textbox between the white button labeled "Search for -->" and the blue button labeled "GO," enter "SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email" (including the quotes) then press either of the buttons; peruse the links returned.

...Hope this helps! Please return here with any follow-up questions you have after following the above suggestions.

OK! I think the n00b has figured out how to post the tracking URL:


The problem is that forwarding this email results in the "no spam found" message, but displaying the raw form, then cutting and pasting it into the web form does work. So in the future, until something changes, I'll use the web form rather than the forwarding capability to report such spam.

Or am I using the forwarding method incorrectly?

Thanks for tolerating the n00b.

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Hi, lnesseler,

...The tracking URL you provided (thanks!) looks good. That's the tracking URL for the successful web form parse, I trust?

...The correct method for forwarding depends on your e-mail client software. Some instructions are provided in the SpamCop FAQ, a link to which appears near the top left of each SpamCop Forum page.

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Handled by email.

The error email tells the tale. It shows you exactly what you submitted.

The reason you got an error message is because the full headers were not present in the spam you submitted. SpamCop needs to see the entire path the message took on its way to you so it can track the spam back to the source.

Maybe these FAQs will help:



If your mail client supports it, using the "Forward as attachment" function to send the spam as an email attachment to your 'submit' address is the best way.

SpamCop is looking for the full headers in one contiguous block of text, followed by a blank line, which signals the end of the headers, and then followed by the body text of the spam. The parse won't accept headers if there is no body text with them.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -


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