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spam back-dated by 2 or 3 weeks


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Is it dismissed as too old when you try to report it? Not all dates in headers are reliable but I'm assuming this is the one your service provider stamps when it is delivered to your inbox. Are all dates within the header consistent with that one? If so (and in some cases even if not), it's an issue with your provider, talk to their service desk.

Lots to guess about if not, a tracking URL would be helpful. Note you can still pick up a tracking URL even if the parse does not proceed - it's just you have only one shot at it, while the parse is still displaying (from near the top of the page, the link under "Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:"). Not a SC reporter? If you don't know about "full headers" then work through http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/19.html and post the full headers instead (just the headers, not the spam/message body), munge the left-hand part of your mail address, anything else you don't want/shouldn't want to see hung out in public.

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I've been getting quite a few of the Aug 2 / 3 dated thingies for a while now -- I just went in and checked on the reporting status of a number of them and they're correctly listed as 0 or 1 hour old and reported; I'm on 'Quick Reporting' so I don't notice the reports unless I explicitly look.

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