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spam increased tenfold after reporting to upstream provider gblx.net


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I get a lot of forum spam from IPs registered at starnet.md. I sent a report to them, but it bounced saying the abuse email account was full. I sent to their contact email but have not received a reply, and the abuse account is still full. I concluded this ISP was not interested in helping their customers rid themselves of malware, or they are spamming on their own and tried to contact starnet.md upstream provider.

After a traceroute I sent an email to gblx.net explaining the situation and asking if they could contact starnet.md to shape up. But suddenly I get almost ten times as much spam as before. Now I wonder if GBLX.net Global Crossing or starned.md is connected to a spammer and put my email in their hottest list. Either someone at GBLX.net did, or someone at starnet.md did after they were contacted by someone at GBLX.net.

Now what do I do? Contact consumer support office or a telecom regulator in their country? There really should be stricter rules and better systems to make ISPs and domain hosts more effective at combating spam and botnets like knujon is working for.

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...Now what do I do? Contact consumer support office or a telecom regulator in their country? There really should be stricter rules and better systems to make ISPs and domain hosts more effective at combating spam and botnets like knujon is working for.

Yes, there should be, but offhand I know of none such for forum spam. Others here may know better. stopforumspam.com provides some sort of blocking list based on member observations of forum spamming (recording IP address, username/alias and registration e-mail address) if you have admin privileges on your forum. Might be worth looking at that and at their own forum to at least keep some of the stuff from hitting you (and help feed the blocklist for mutual benefit).
We currently have 8,620,872 spammer records in our database.
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I get a lot of forum spam from IPs registered at starnet.md. I sent a report to them,

Would help if you showed a SpamCop tracking URL?

MOLDOVA is where I make the Country your spam is coming from

If you wish to block them try adding to your DNS blocklist/blacklist


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