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Analyzing (SpamCop) Quick reporting data


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What's the quick and easy way to match a specific 'quick report' to the actual spam...

without clicking the "saved for future reference" link?

For several months we have been tracking one particular spam cartel in building a law suit.

I've saved all the spams in raw form, and all the corresponding SpamCop "quick reports" as evidence.

All spam is databased for URLs, subject lines, and IP addresses.

Since we're talking thousands of spams, and thousands of SpamCop reports, is there an easy, quick way to match the specific report with the specific spam WITHOUT clicking on the link "saved for future reference" ???? (roughly 6 to 23 spams per hour, 24/7 since April 2011.)

The case began in MARCH of 2011, and some of the links which were "saved for future reference" are "NOT FOUND"

thanks in advance


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Since we're talking thousands of spams, and thousands of SpamCop reports, is there an easy, quick way to match the specific report with the specific spam WITHOUT clicking on the link "saved for future reference" ???? (roughly 6 to 23 spams per hour, 24/7 since April 2011.)

The case began in MARCH of 2011, and some of the links which were "saved for future reference" are "NOT FOUND"

Unfortunately, SpamCop only keeps data for 90 days. After that, the links you're talking about will not work.

I don't understand what you are after.

You already have the spam. What do you need SpamCop for?

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- service[at]admin.spamcop.net -


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I don't understand what you are after.

You already have the spam. What do you need SpamCop for?

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- service[at]admin.spamcop.net -


Legal indicates that our data alone may be challenged, and in that event we could refer to the spamcop link which would validate the claim, and represent an "expert" 3rd party authentication of the spam.

However, you didn't address any easy way to match the spam with the report.

I will let them know that 90 days is the limit ... that should actually do it, because they're still sending an average of 400 spams per day, ongoing. So if the court insists on going through 36,000 spams just to prove the spam is actual spam, then so be it.

Additionally, the strong issue of th suit is that EACH AND EVERY spam WAS REPORTED to the admin hosting the site.

ICANN and ANNA, as well as the three REGISTRARS are are all implicated so we need to show that they were indeed contacted with reports -- which were ignored. That's the crux of the suit. I realize we'll be unsuccessful in killing the spammer -- it's the Registrars and hosts we're after. and ultimately ICANN for allowing rogue registrars. (We believe if a registrar does not act, or is rogue then the crime moves up the chain to enablers, and just need the issue signed-off-on by a Federal Judge!)

thanks for the help

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we could refer to the spamcop link which would validate the claim, and represent an "expert" 3rd party authentication of the spam.
That won't stand up in court. SpamCop doesn't decide what is or is not spam. That's up to you. YOU are the one who decided the email is spam and then submitted it to SpamCop for tracking. All SpamCop does is trace the email you submit, and then prepare a standardized report you can send if you want.

However, you didn't address any easy way to match the spam with the report.
I'm not sure what you mean by "report." SpamCop doesn't keep copies of the reports we send. We keep copies of the spam for 90 days, but that's all. The links you're talking about only show a new parse of the spam you have already reported.

Additionally, the strong issue of th suit is that EACH AND EVERY spam WAS REPORTED to the admin hosting the site.
The "Quick Data Report" will show you the "From" address and "Subject" line of each spam, along with the SpamCop report numbers, and who the report was sent to.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- service[at]admin.spamcop.net -


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That won't stand up in court. SpamCop doesn't decide what is or is not spam. That's up to you. YOU are the one who decided the email is spam and then submitted it to SpamCop for tracking. All SpamCop does is trace the email you submit, and then prepare a standardized report you can send if you want.

I'm not sure what you mean by "report." SpamCop doesn't keep copies of the reports we send. We keep copies of the spam for 90 days, but that's all. The links you're talking about only show a new parse of the spam you have already reported.

The "Quick Data Report" will show you the "From" address and "Subject" line of each spam, along with the SpamCop report numbers, and who the report was sent to.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- service[at]admin.spamcop.net -


I believe that Fred is just looking to see when and which admin was notified. The reports, however, only show that an email was sent at what time and not whether it bounced back. If the bounce was tracked, it may have held up in court. Since the bounce is not tracked, there will be issues maintaining whether an admin actually saw the report. (This is why it will not hold up in court.)

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