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our IP is in Spamcop

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please i need help very quickly.Our mailsystem is blocked because are on Spamcop database.But is not open relay,its only for ours customers,its relay.iol.cz(IP are internet provider,and this situation is very bad.How can I be delisted quickly?We are not spammer,and we cannot waitnig 48hours.

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There is no information in this very sparse report. You will need to contact deputies<at>spamcop.net and ask them this question. They have access to the actual reports which we, as normal users ourselves, do not have.

The fact that there are no reports showing and no spamtraps, indicate to me that possibly one of your users is using spamcop (in mole mode) to report spam and it is tracing to your servers for some reason. This is usually caused by a configuration of the headers that the spamcop parsing tool can not follow but with the recent mailhosts configuration, there are more variables present. If the reporter is configured for "mole" status, reports are not sent to the ISP automatically.

Reports for this IP would normally go to: postmaster[at]iol.cz, and hostmaster[at]iol.cz

Good luck and report back here when a solution is found.

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