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SpamCop Reporting Feature Request


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I know SpamCop reporting already has an option to work in stealth mode and not inform anyone of the reported spam.

I would like a in-between option between the informing all or nothing approach we have so far. I would like an option that would still notify the ISP responsible for the IP address sourcing the spam, but not any links in the spam.

In my opinion, reporting the links in the spam may tip off the spammer that efforts are being made against them, and, with tracking info in the spam, perhaps directly to who reported them. The latter making me a bit insecure.

I always let SpamCop inform those responsible for the source of the spam, but I always uncheck the reporting of the links (which is time consuming and a real pain).

I hope someone from SpamCop reads this forum, if not someone please direct me to the proper place to post this request.



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This is available now as quick reporting via email or the Held Mail page. It is not available if you paste your messages into the web page. If all of your reports seem OK you can use quick reporting. To be balanced, there are some people who argue against quick reporting because it has been know to blacklist the reporter. The new mailhost configuration should minimize (or eliminate) this.

You do not mention what type of account you have. If you submit via email already and have no problems, try it by replacing the submit.x with quick.x in the submit address.

If it has not changed since I last did this (months ago, you will get a response saying that quick reporting is disabled and that your messages have been submitted to the full reporting. It will also tell you how to request the modification to your account to allow for quick reporting. IIUC, the deputies take the request and investigate your reporting history to determine if you have reported responsibly. After quick reporting, you will get back a report which shows where your reports went. You should check that report to be sure things are working correctly for you.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply Steven!

I have been emailing my reports to SpamCop for some time.

I am not familiar with the quick reporting method. I have gone through the mailhost setup on my account so maybe this is an option for me.

Does anyone else know the current means for allowing my account to submit quick reports? If not, I'll try Stephen's method.

Can I customize the quick reporting such that reports don't get sent for links in the submitted email?



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