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Feature Request: Quick Report all unreported spam

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sometimes when the system is slow, I get enough spam in the pipeline that some messages get too old before I can complete reporting!

Would be nice to have some option beyond " Remove all unreported spam ", I think "Quick Report all unreported spam" would be a great one.

Or, howzabout a page where one can review WHAT is in the pipeline and select either a series of messages, a time range or some similar means and check either delete or quick report.

The last few days were really bad: over 400 spams per day, I maybe reported 40 each day and Quick Reported the rest. 10 expired this morning before I could finish them!

I would at LEAST like a way to know how many are still in my pipeline!


(duplicate of web posting so JT sees it and see responses from folks over here)

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Would be nice to have some option beyond " Remove all unreported spam ", I think  "Quick Report all unreported spam" would be a great one.

I've wanted a feature like that, as well. Sometimes I've submitted a batch of spam for regular reporting, but then something comes up and I don't have the time to go through them.

have you looked at setting up an IMAP account?  From other discussions, this seems to be the answer to your quest.

I don't think this is relevant. Unless I misunderstand, David is asking about spam that have already been submitted. IMAP only helps when sifting through the messages and deciding which ones to report.

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have you looked at setting up an IMAP account?  From other discussions, this seems to be the answer to your quest.

That IS what I have, sorry if that wasn't obvious. I use VER to report, as the IMAP report page is VERY unreliable still, failing between 10-40% depending on the day, both for Quick Reportage and full submission. The latter is a pain, can only do via forwarding, a clumsy and awkward implementation I gave up complaining about.

Once something is submitted to reporting, I have no control over the messages. THAT is what I would like to change!

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I too think this would be a usefull addition. With mailhosts we're pretty much guaranteed that we won't report ourselves, so the old arguments about that go away. As long as Quick Report only reports the source of the mail, it should be a safe option.

I know there are folks that say you should spend hours on each email, peruse each individual character, each string, and search for hidden meaning. For those folks I say, Phooey! I reported more than 100k spams in 2003 with only a couple of glitches. That's an accuracy rate that is quite acceptable when dealing with humans. Plus, I spent less than an hour a day on the average.


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