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Why different treatment for URL shortners?

Neil Parks

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I have received several spams recently with clickable links in the bit.ly domain. Spamcop invariably routes the report to abuse[at]bit.ly.

But on occasion I have received some spams with links in the tinyurl.com domain. Spamcop follows those links and sends its reports based on the actual site being linked.

I'm just curious as to why Spamcop does not do the same for bit.ly.

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...But on occasion I have received some spams with links in the tinyurl.com domain. Spamcop follows those links and sends its reports based on the actual site being linked. ...
Woa - that has been a "New feature request" for some time, nice but frankly improbable to be taken up one would have thought, no idea it had been implemented without fanfare. There again, my memory ...

Are you sure? Can't replicate it offhand:


Correct answer would be abuse[at]wsu.edu, not [at]deepmedia.nl which is tinyurl.com

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