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Delays in outgoing mail from "webmail"

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I've been experiencing today very long delays in outgoing mail sent from the SpamCop webmail site. An example of the headers is below:


Received: from c60.cesmail.net ( by mta6.wss.scd.yahoo.com (7.0.016)

id 4072403F00BF594B for chris[at]XXXXXX.com; Tue, 27 Apr 2004 08:50:57 -0700

Received: from unknown (HELO delta.cesmail.net) (

by c60.cesmail.net with SMTP; 27 Apr 2004 11:50:57 -0400

Received: (qmail 8164 invoked by uid 99); 27 Apr 2004 08:44:15 -0000

Received: from ( []) by

webmail.spamcop.net (Horde) with HTTP for <chrism[at]spamcop.net[at]cesmail.net>;

Tue, 27 Apr 2004 04:44:15 -0400


As can be seen from the headers, I posted the message to webmail at 08:44 GMT, but it didn't get delivered to "c60.cesmail.net" until 15:50 GMT - ie a delay of over 7 hours!

Has anybody else experienced this problem, or does anyone know if it's now been fixed? There's no mention of any mail problems on the current "system news" page.




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