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Problems with Yahoo! Plus

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I have set up my (paid) Yahoo account as they instruct. They have an option to forward your email, but I am unable to receive the confirmation email so that won't work. Yahoo is suggesting that this is a SpamCop issue. I highly doubt it, but can someone advise if there are any known issues receiving the Yahoo auto-forward confirmation message?

Another problem is that when I go to check my external POP servers, I see an "unknown error" message over 30 times in about 24 hours for Yahoo, even though I've selected "Use SSL" on both sides (Yahoo! and SC) and I have the correct password (otherwise I wouldn't get my email.) So what's going on here?

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Hi, mrmaxx,

...Sorry to hear of your problem.

...Gee, I can't remember anyone here having mentioned having a paid Yahoo!Mail account, so I don't know whether any other user is going to be able to help you. If there's no help here after a few days, I'd suggest you go to the SpamCop e-mail problems page and submit a trouble ticket.

...Good luck!

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I have set up my (paid) Yahoo account as they instruct. They have an option to forward your email, but I am unable to receive the confirmation email so that won't work.

You may be experiencing the same problem I had with receiving confirmation emails from Fresh & Easy Markets and REI. Neither would send confirmation email to my spamcop email (cesmail.net) despite repeated tries.

It turned out that these companies have intentionally blocked outgoing emails to the spamcop domain because of past problems with getting reported for spamming. What you could try is setting up another email account somewhere and see if Yahoo will confirm to that address.

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