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Just sent a report.

( ) To: volia[at]volia.cv.ua

Bounced back with the following:

Dear subscriber! We inform you that the electronic address abonents[at]voliacable.com is not in use any more.

Please send us e-mails to the new electronic address: abonents[at]volia.com.

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Thanks funkmasterD - one for Don, he may ask for a copy of that notification (if you still have it, don't delete it just yet). People are funny, they could have amended their RIPE record with less effort than sending these out (and presumably re-directing the reports). Or amended their abuse.net record to include volia.cv.ua as currently assigned via volia.net. Hmm ... that possibly means volia.net records need changing too. Sounds like yet another over-hasty reorganization to me.

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Thanks funkmasterD - one for Don, he may ask for a copy of that notification (if you still have it, don't delete it just yet). People are funny, they could have amended their RIPE record with less effort than sending these out (and presumably re-directing the reports). Or amended their abuse.net record to include volia.cv.ua as currently assigned via volia.net. Hmm ... that possibly means volia.net records need changing too. Sounds like yet another over-hasty reorganization to me.

Just another deliberately set=up Botnet IMO same as Belarus


take a look


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Could be - but I don't quite grok the notion of spammers setting up a botnet using a block of addresses already under their ownership. Seems an awfully inefficient use of resource when they could be stealing the bandwidth of others. Or am I on a different page?

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Could be - but I don't quite grok the notion of spammers setting up a botnet using a block of addresses already under their ownership. Seems an awfully inefficient use of resource when they could be stealing the bandwidth of others. Or am I on a different page?

It's pretty obvious spam criminals want to hide seems a lot make money out of it

In Belarus seems there is some sort of state war going on between Russia and rest?

The Botnet infection is not hard to remove

So there is some reason why they don't?

VOLUMEDRIVE.COM has all of their email servers infected Brazil connection (spam criminal gangs)


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Aagh ... a murrain on all their herds. Meanwhile our formerly free and liberal societies are becoming progressively more restrictive and repressive in bumbling around trying to cope with all this "dark economy" and "money laundering" malarkey under the guise of waging "the international war on terrorism" but succeeding only in making life more difficult, less free and less liberal for the general populace with little or no discernible improvement in public safety. If spammers are in the thick of it, then that's just icing on the cake (not). Colour me grumpy - always hated spammers to start with (though I know that to be a useless waste of emotional energy).

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