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'Incomplete Headers' defeating SpamCop ?


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FYI: Recent spam is defeating Spamcop, regardless as to the method of submission:

"This header is incomplete. Please supply the full headers of the spam you're trying to report.

No source IP address found, cannot proceed.

Nothing to do."

Example below.



[edit]posted spam deleted, tracking link sustituted.

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I'm afraid you were banned for a short while Dave. Why? When you post spam (including live "payload" links) your offering is indistinguishable from spam. And possibly a lot more effective than e-mail spam because that live link is promulgated via search engine indexing and potentially harms the web reputation of this forum. Anyway, the matter reconsidered and restored but topic moved to a more appropriate area.

Don't post spam - post a Tracking URL instead - yes you can get one from even a failed parse, it is the link (like the one above) near the top of the parse page, but you have to get it while the page is open, you can't go back to retrieve it the same way as you do with a successful parse.

NEVER post live spam links, for the reasons given. Also covered in the "Help" area, near the top right of these pages - http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...E=01&HID=18

Now - as you can see that spam does parse, IF it is in the proper form. Two possibilities, you are receiving the output from a slightly broken spambot OR your own applications are mangling the headers - badly enough to affect the parser (it is very strict) but maybe not badly enough to affect your mail client/browser. The problems I saw in "correcting" the headers (beware - we're not allowed to submit reports using such corrections) were blank lines within the headers and the lack of indenting for line continuations. If you follow the links provided by the parser when it gives you those messages about incomplete headers there is an explanation of these matters.

This has all been discussed before, countless times. If you can't find those previous discussions using the "search" facilities here I'm sure one of us will help point you in the right direction.

P.S. "Broken" spambots don't seem to persist for long, they are usually just a momentary irritation.

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...For what it's worth, the parse seemed to work for me without the "header is incomplete" error. But I have SpamCop MailHosts configured for my account and that may be what is causing the difference in results.

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Ah, the headers you're seeing and using are the ones I've "corrected" Steve. The O/P should compare those with the ones he has that don't parse - that would be a good way to appreciate the differences (blank lines within the headers and lack of continuation line indenting from the LH margins). That last could be spelled out for the benefit of future readers while it's under discussion here I suppose:

Header items consist on a continuous-text header title terminated by a colon. The rest of the header following that colon must be on the same line OR subsequent (continuation) lines for that same header must be indented one or more characters from the left-hand margins of those following lines. Line-wrapping in applications such as Notepad can destroy the proper indenting and/or make it difficult to see where it has been broken. Many forums, including this one, automatically remove leading spaces and excess whitespace from posts, making the posting of headers "here" pointless for discussion purposes. That's another reason the tracking URL is required for meaningful spam discussion.

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... Don't post spam - post a Tracking URL instead ... P.S. "Broken" spambots don't seem to persist for long, they are usually just a momentary irritation.

Apologies - many thanks for amending/moving the original message.

All submissions to SpamCop are from SpamSource (for Outlook), which I understand allows the header content to be included.


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FYI: Recent spam is defeating Spamcop, regardless as to the method of submission:

You or your email client is mangling headers!

Try MailWasher free

You just put in your super_secret "Forward your spam to" address

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Makes submitting spam easy

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