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Need guidance - moving opt-in list - how to find trusted service?


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I work for a ministry that has a 6500 member opt-in list for a news mailing. We currently use iContact which was put in use before I came along. I want to move the list to a more trusted service. All the "big guys" (ie: Constant Contact, etc.) seem to be hated and automatically blocked by some people.

Though I can design the mailings myself in html I have to setup for someone who can use drag&drop (wysiwyg) to design.

We don't need full function marketing features (A/B tests, etc) but we do want subscriber info/history, link tracking, and basic stats (number of opens, etc) .

How do I find a new service that is highly trusted and not blocked? (ie: not used by spammers).

Any words of wisdom and guidance appreciated! Thank You!

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How do I find a new service that is highly trusted and not blocked? (ie: not used by spammers).

You don't.

Every service is exploited and every service is likely on at least one black list.

6500 is not a large number... why not operate your own service? Coming from your own servers, there's a less likelyhood of being reported, other than the odd automated "oops".


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Hi, 1611mac.

...It isn't directly related to your question but: you may find the guidance of the SpamCop FAQ (links to which appear near the top left of each SpamCop Forum page) article labeled "Am I running mailing lists responsibly? Updated!" and some of the links under the heading label "Other information, help and links."

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Any words of wisdom and guidance appreciated! Thank You!

You have to create your own lists and keep it extremely confidential (if you add addresses to those who "unwant" you, you become unliked and a spammer)!

Advertise your product on say Google first(word of mouth but must use webpage to subscribe) ) to get OPT-IN THEN confirm OPT-IN and remove unconfirmed addresses until confirmed (keep evidence)

Presently remove those email address's that you know are blocked (or junk it entirely maybe keep address that have replied for your "service/goods)

a lot of your address may just be "spam traps" these are now the main way blocklists are now created.

record bounced emails remove and contain a WORKING unsubscribe list!

The IP for your email server needs a "SenderScore" over 90 or you are a spammer and blocked most everywhere.

ALWAYS keep reply and sender address unchanged (whitelisting and email sorting are common)

Internet Log-on's you need to consider


Even for America's only ever legally defined God, The Christian God (compound redemptive name being Lord Jesus Christ) times are tough

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