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Double Billing

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I have noticed that my fuel is cosumed when I forward spam to spam Cop and then again when I submit the report.


I use a tool that forwards all incoming spam not blacklisted by spam Cop to the email address provided by spam Cop (I get on the order of 500 spams a day)

When I get the first auto responder and click on the link to report the spam I see that my fuel had been decremented as a result of forwarding the spam to the email address. Then again as I progress through the reporting process I see that my fuel is once more being decremented

Should this be happening?

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I have noticed that my fuel is cosumed when I forward spam to spam Cop and then again when I submit the report.


Should this be happening?

That doesn't sound right - "Fuel is consumed each time you parse spam through your premium SpamCop account. Each byte in the spam will consume one byte of fuel." (FAQ - Upgrade to a premium member account. Unless someone here can shed some light, suggest you email Don, repeating the query - address to

service at admin.spamcop.net

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