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SpamCop FAQ addition - Outlook Web Access


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I've got an addition for the SpamCop FAQ:


This is the page telling you how to retrieve the full headers in Outlook Web Access

I think these instructions only work under Outlook Web Access for Exchange 5.5. They don't work under Exchange 2003, and I don't *think* they work in Exchange 2000 either. I've got new instructions for Exchange 2003, but not 2000.

So here is a new version of the (entire) question:

Exchange 5.5 Outlook Web Access

(as accessed through http://mymail.outlookmail.com/exchange/logon.asp)

  • Left click on the letter you want to open and click on 'Properties'.
  • When that opens click on the 'Details' tab, and then on 'Message Source'.
  • This will open the email so the full headers will be available for viewing.
  • Select and copy the text. Paste it into the SpamCop parsing window.

Exchange 2000 Outlook Web Access

Unfortunately there is currently no known way of viewing the message source in Exchange 2000 Outlook Web Access.

Exchange 2003 Outlook Web Access

Under Exchange 2003 there is a free, third-party 'ViewMessageSource' extension available which the mail server administrator can install. It adds a 'View Source' option to the right click menu of all messages.

You can download it from:


Once installed (instructions are included in the .zip file):

  • Open up the folder which contains the email you would like to report.
  • Right click on the email you want to report and click on 'View Source'. A new window should pop up with the full message source inside.
  • Select all of the text (Ctrl-A) and copy it (Ctrl-C). Paste it into the SpamCop parsing window.

Hope this helps!

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Still waiting for a "solution" to some of the FAQ handling issues. In the interim, sent a note to R.W. for his possible inclusion into the existing FAQ-o-matic thing.

Thanks for the feedback and write-up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How about jumping to my last post in another Topic, another Forum http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...indpost&p=11279 ... it might help explain the situation ... the last thing I'd say was needed was more "needling" of R.W. on something already taken under advisement. This FAQ entry is already on the list of additions, but waiting for some hardware updates on a JT/Julian shared server that happens to hold the web-page FAQs.

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