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my own server refuse my emails


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I manage my own server, and some montha ago I installed spamcop, all works nice until today, all accounts give me error like the following (original are in spanish I'm sorry for any mistake on translation):

Message can't be sent, server refuse email address: "account[at]somedomain.com". Theme 'some theme', Account: 'account[at]somedomain', Server: 'somedomain.com', Protocolo: SMTP, Server response: '553 5.3.0 spam blocked see:http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml?%', Port: 25, Security (SSL): No, Server error: 553, Error number: 0x800CCC78

But my server nor my domains aren't listed on spamcop black list as you can see at: http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...p=

What can be wrong?

any comments are welcomed

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some montha ago I installed spamcop

SpamCop.NET offers nothing to "install" ... Perhaps you put some garbage on your system from the scum running the spamcop.COM site?

Rather than trying to translate, perhaps pasting in the actual "error" message might be better. Agree that the IP offered isn't listed, but the alleged IP isn't in the error text you offer.

If the receiving Domain was identifed, there may be more data available, perhaps they've screwed up their configuration, and blocking stuff wrongly, using the wrong message to explain, ....???

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I manage my own server, and some montha ago I installed spamcop, all works nice until today, all accounts give me error like the following (original are in spanish I'm sorry for any mistake on translation):

Message can't be sent, server refuse email address: "account[at]somedomain.com". Theme 'some theme', Account: 'account[at]somedomain', Server: 'somedomain.com', Protocolo: SMTP, Server response: '553 5.3.0 spam blocked see:http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml?%', Port: 25, Security (SSL): No, Server error: 553, Error number: 0x800CCC78

But my server nor my domains aren't listed on spamcop black list as you can see at: http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...p=

What can be wrong?

any comments are welcomed

is the same IP that was omitted "see:http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml?%" in your post?

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Dear Merlyin:

Yes is my real ip and the real domain from where emails are refused is artesaniadigital.net , this domain is not listed on bl http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...aniadigital.net

Dear Wazoo:

I'm sorry to confuse you, when I said "install spamcop" I means that I've configured sendmail.cf as is explained on http://www.revtec.org/rackshack/reducing_spam.htm . This configuration worked nice for some months until yesterday.

Real error message follows:

El mensaje no se pudo enviar, el servidor rechazó la dirección de correo electrónico del remitente: "nor[at]artesaniadigital.net". Asunto 'estoy pobando', Cuenta: 'nor[at]artesaniadigital.net', Servidor: 'artesaniadigital.net', Protocolo: SMTP, Respuesta del servidor: '553 5.3.0 spam blocked see: http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml?', Puerto: 25, Seguridad (SSL): No, Error de servidor: 553, Número de error: 0x800CCC78

Now I see more on error message, yesterday I get exactly "http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml?%" with an unidentified ip, and now I get exactly my isp ip http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...=

Does this means that my isp is listed on spamcop instead me? what can I do to solve it (without changing my isp :) )

Best regards

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Dear Merlyin:

Yes is my real ip and the real domain from where emails are refused is artesaniadigital.net , this domain is not listed on bl http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...aniadigital.net

Dear Wazoo:

I'm sorry to confuse you, when I said "install spamcop" I means that I've configured sendmail.cf as is explained on http://www.revtec.org/rackshack/reducing_spam.htm . This configuration worked nice for some months until yesterday.

Real error message follows:

El mensaje no se pudo enviar, el servidor rechazó la dirección de correo electrónico del remitente: "nor[at]artesaniadigital.net". Asunto 'estoy pobando', Cuenta: 'nor[at]artesaniadigital.net', Servidor: 'artesaniadigital.net', Protocolo: SMTP, Respuesta del servidor: '553 5.3.0 spam blocked see: http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml?', Puerto: 25, Seguridad (SSL): No, Error de servidor: 553, Número de error: 0x800CCC78

Now I see more on error message, yesterday I get exactly "http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml?%" with an unidentified ip, and now I get exactly my isp ip http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...=

Does this means that my isp is listed on spamcop instead me? what can I do to solve it (without changing my isp :) )

Best regards

The email that was blocked went through is listed in the spamcop blocklist and whoever you were sending your email to is using the spamcop blocklist for stopping spam.

Causes of listing

System has sent mail to SpamCop spam traps (spam traps are secret, no reports or evidence are provided by SpamCop)

This also looks like a dynamic cable IP without any reverse DNS.

It also looks like this IP has been hacked or has a trojan running on it. It is also listed in

CBL The CBL - Composite Blocking List: cbl.abuseat.org ->

Blocked - see http://cbl.abuseat.org/lookup.cgi?ip=

XBL Exploits Block List (includes CBL): xbl.spamhaus.org ->


SPAMCOP SpamCop Blocking List: bl.spamcop.net ->

Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?

BLARSBL Blars Block List: block.blars.org ->

JAMDSBL local bl at JAMMConsulting.com: dnsbl.jammconsulting.com ->

DNSBLAUT1 Reynolds Technology Type 1: t1.dnsbl.net.au ->

PLEASE SEE http://dnsbl.net.au/lookup/?

DRBL-WORK-SANDY Distributed RBL node: sandy.ru: work.drbl.sandy.ru ->

DRBL-VOTE-GREMLIN Distributed RBL node: gremlin.ru: vote.drbl.gremlin.ru ->

DRBL-WORK-GREMLIN Distributed RBL node: gremlin.ru: work.drbl.gremlin.ru ->

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Does this means that my isp is listed on spamcop instead me? what can I do to solve it

First, tell your isp that he is listed. The listing is not due to spam, but to emails to spam traps. These could be auto responses to viruses. Have your isp email deputies <at> spamcop.net because only they can see what kind of emails have been sent. It could also be a compromised machine, but whatever problem it is, the listing may re-occur if the problem is not fixed.

The other thing that is not good is that there is no reverse dns. Some networks will not accept email from IP address with no reverse dns. Spamcop will and that is not the cause of the listing.

So contact your isp and tell him that he needs to contact spamcop and that he needs to fix the reverse dns.

Miss Betsy

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As Merlyn and Miss Betsy have pointed out, there some major problems at your ISP .. but, just checking now, one sees at http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...=

Query bl.spamcop.net - not listed in bl.spamcop.net

So it has been de-listed at SpamCop ... most of the other BLs are no where near as forgiving as the SpamCopDNSbl ....

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