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F. Jones

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I think that the last time someone mentioned a spelling error that a deputy picked it up and corrected it.

We'll see if they notice this post. (though come to think it about it, that post was in the spamcop ng where the deputies hang out more ).

Miss Betsy

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True, there's but one or two that have the "permissions" needed to work on those web pages ... Julian, JT, and maybe 2 of the Deputies .... and you're right, the likelihood of them reading and catching this post are pretty slim ... JT was going to talk to Julian about giving access to some of the web pages (FAQ specifically) but haven' heard a thing in quite some time. So at best, a copy of this to one of the newsgroups or a note to Deputies (with attention to R.W.) might get it changed faster <g>

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I'm sorry...I'm new to the project...could someone just forward them a link to this thread?  Or send me their e-mail address and I'll do the same?


...deputies <at> spamcop <dot> net. Get rid of spaces, replace "<at>" with at symbol and replace "<dot>" with a period.

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