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what do I do when everything is devnull spamcop?


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I frequently get:

/dev/null'ing report for apnic#bhartitelesonic.com[at]devnull.spamcop.net
/dev/null'ing report for twitterdoesntcareaboutspamreports[at]devnull.spamcop.net

So basically nothing is happening, I assume... this is t dot co stuff



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Actually something is happening. Keep in mind that the first priority for SpamCop is 1) building a SC block list that can be used by ISP's to filter out probable spammers from their clients email. All the spam you submit adds (negatively) to the reputation of the IP source of the email spam.

Secondly 2) SpamCop tries to identify a valid abuse address for the source ISP of the spam and other upstream nodes and send them a copy of the spam report. Optimistically the objective is to provide responsible service providers with the information necessary to protect their reputation, the reputation of the IP's they control and maintain quality service for their clients that are good internet citizens. Sometimes a) a viable abuse address can not be identified. Or b ) it is known that the ISP gives the spam report to the spammer or c) the abuse address has ask SpamCop NOT to send them spam reports. In these cased SpamCop does not send the report but instead sends the report to devnull.spamcop.net, the bit bucket.

Although not part of your question, thirdly 3) if processor time is available SpamCop tries to identify the websites referenced in the spam and send reports to their service providers/host. Again optimistically hoping the ISP is a responsible member of the internet and will take appropriate action.

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Thanks for in-depth answer! I will continue to submit them. It is a minor effort - 5-10/day, usually less.


I notice that my email addy is embeded in some of the links telling the IP, and possibly the offender, who is reporting it... :(

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Where possible, the reporting service tries to obscure details that could be used to identify the reporter. This is known as "munging" on the help pages. There are times when this is difficult (or impossible), and report recipients can ask Spamcop not to send munged reports.

I notice that my email addy is embeded in some of the links telling the IP, and possibly the offender, who is reporting it... :(

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Thanks for quick reply! "report recipients can ask Spamcop not to send munged reports." how would I do that? At the present I am using Firefox, gmail web site, "show original", "save as" spam, forward to you at my special address you give me with the spam attached. Then I get a note back from you saying "has accepted 1 email for processing". Then I can click on that, and then click on submit at bottom and off it goes...

I will now edit the spam to remove my email where it's embedded in links and the like, before forwarding it to you for parsing.

But it seems like my only other option is simply not to do the last step of clicking on submit... Or am I missing something. Thanks!

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You can login to SpamCop.net and change your preferences to Munging the spam reports to better hide your email.

There are some ISPs that do not want to received munged reports. IMHO it doesn't make any difference. The spammer already have your email address. There is no evidence that any spammer has ever bothered to listwash their spam list, which would be good for you/bad for reporting. There may be some evidence that if one spammer knows you report spam, they will sell your email to other spammers to poison the competition's list. This would be bad for you/good for reporting. In reality the longer the list the more valuable so why would they drop a name?

your choice.

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Thanks . Preferences was already set to obscure identifying info, and in truth it changes the 2 occurrences of my addy in the header to "x", but spammer is putting the part before the [at] into some links and titles so intentionally wants to get info back about who is reporting. I wondered why when sometimes I would send a batch off to the govt I would suddenly get a rash of more spam. Yeah, they ain't dumb. it is a definite question what to do...

Thanks again for your time!!!

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I also suspect that if I post here what I am doing, that will tip off the spammer... :(

I wouldn't worry about that myself. I have been active here for about 10 years and I have seen no indication that any spammer has taken it personally that I aggressively report all spam receive by the 5 domains I manage. Which is really to bad. If they would I could then focus my efforts, at least for awhile.

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I remember when I was reporting to uce, very shortly after I would report a few, I would get a few new ones. Initially (a few weeks ago) that didn't happen with spamcop. Now it is.

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Do keep track of the difference between correlation and causation. Which spammer's emailing list (CD) you are on is random and which ones are in use on any given day is also random. It is a human trait to see patterns where none exist. {The striped tiger selected out of the gene-pool those that did not see the pattern} Seeing patterns where none exist is one of the reasons we have constellations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of my spam go to ****[at]devnull.spamcop.com. I too appreciate your detailed answer above. I use Gmail and all my spam is found in my Gmail spam folder. So, if Gmail is already correctly identifying my spam, then your comment, "a SC block list that can be used by ISP's to filter out probable spammers from their clients email." doesn't really benefit me directly, right? Gmail doesn't block spammers, right? They just put them in my spam folder, right?

In short, I'm trying to weigh the cost vs benefit of continuing to report spam via SpamCop. I realize this sounds selfish, but reporting spam from Gmail to spamcop is a manual process that is very time consuming. I could save a lot of time by periodically scanning my spam folder contents and deleting all spam with a couple of clicks.

I wish you could partner with Gmail/Google and provide "report to Spamcop" button. Could this be done via a Gmail lab?

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I still go through the motions of reporting every piece. It takes a minute longer because I edit the header and body of the spam and remove my email addy(sometimes just the part before the [at]. ) except for the places where spamcop will change it to an x. Since I started doing that (correlation) I have only gotten 1 or 2 pieces a day. I log them on a scratchpad. Only rarely are the targets all devnull (last 2 t dot co ).

EDIT: I scan the whole message because recently the spammers have imbedded the part before the [at] into a fake addy in the header. That doesn't get caught by spamcop.

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