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spams with blank body

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how do i report spams with a blank body?

In the past I've used the details to manually send a report...

I know that some people add [NO BODY] to the cut/past tool to report them.

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Hi, moderators,

...Could we please have a pinned FAQ for this?  ty.

I haven't seen JeffG posting in a long while (well there was a newsgroup post a week or so ago) ... but, have you looked at he last entries in the "why am I blocked" Topic in the Lounge? ... yeah, I know, I even said I should make a new Topic there, but ... this would go back to what Forum to start and include these nuggets. And then, though JT advised that he'd do "whatever I wanted" . there's been a number of requests/suggestions passed on that perhaps conflict with the conversations between him and Julian (maybe the Deputies) in the handling, care, feeding, and duplication of the FAQ as it exists. The last request to add some stuff to that FAQ got a response that "they" were waiting for a hard-drive replacement before doing much work on the FAQ, which might also explain the delay (or possible denial) of opening up access to that FAQ by other than the select few people at present. Geeze, now I'm going way off topic ...

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