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error adding new Host to mailhost

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pasting the "account configuration email" to the address:
for my company account, I always got this error:
Sorry, SpamCop has encountered errors:

Source IP not found.

Your email host does not appear to correctly identify the sending IP of
the email you receive.


I'm using Thunderbird 45.1.0 on Win7 64 bit, CTRL+U to get mail source


I tried also to forward the "account configuration email"  complete with headers by email, but I got:

Hello SpamCop user,

Sorry, but SpamCop has encountered errors:

Headers not found.


No idea what I had to do now


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efa, that is odd.

I too use that version of Thunderbird.  Just to be sure: you are using CTRL+U, CTRL+A and then CTRL+V to past the whole returned message into the upper block of the link you provided?

When viewing the returned message in TB and clicking the <Reply> or <Forward> button, TF forward the message "Inline" (without header) NOT as an attachment, which is required to work with mailhost.

(Looking at the message you sent and do a CTRL+U, you will see that there is no header info for the attachment ~ and of course that is what SpamCop is looking for)


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It has been so long sense I've updated my mailhost, I'm not comfortable suggesting you post it here.


Received: from premiersrvr.aesasp.com (server.premiermills.com [])
	by knob.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id B30FB175649F
	for <x>; Mon, 16 May 2016 14:37:47 +0000 (UTC)
Received: (qmail 14797 invoked from network); 16 May 2016 17:46:22 +0530
Received: from unknown (HELO User) (
	by mail.premier-1.com with ESMTPA; 16 May 2016 17:46:21 +0530
Reply-To: <mrsrobin.sanders[at]e-nautia.com>
From: "Mrs Robin Sanders"<mrsrobin.sanders2[at]aol.co.uk>
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam]Your Fund Is Ready For Release

Lots of stuff in the header but importantly you should see several "Received:" lines as shown above (note I munged one email address <x>, you should not). You should be able to see similar lines when you do a CTRL+U and they should be highlighted when you do a CTRL+A and captured with a CTRL+C. 

Seems a similar problem reported at

If your procedure is correct I would suggest an email to the deputies at  "deputies AT admin DOT spamcop DOT net"


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I assumed during the last 10 years you would have picked up the process :D  But starting in the middle often takes longer when you have to backup.  When you get an answer let us know.

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