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[Resolved] Spamcop obsolete?


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Hello, long time ive been here but im getting the idea Spamcop is abandoned ?

Reason why i think this , is because the admin never replied to the mail ive send long ago. (spamcop admin)

Second.....submitting spam doesnt work anymore with my email address. It says it couldnt find ip while all was available in the source.

So this wasnt first time cause it did this many times before, thats why i contacted admin....which was suggested here...

Added my amail again to get it working but no luck. I receive the mail, grab the contents put it in top area and i get the following:


Host mc20.tb.mail.iss.local (checking ip) IP not found ; mc20.tb.mail.iss.local discarded as fake.
Sorry, SpamCop has encountered errors:
The email sample you submitted for (my email)
appears to traverse more than one domain.  
Please ensure that you configure each mailhost individually and in order.
Proceed here:


But using the link:



500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, your request could not be processed.

Typically, this is the result of a temporary problem. Please re-try the operation which caused this error in a minute or two. You can even leave this error screen open and use your browser's "reload" button to re-try. Please do not press reload repeatedly though. Pressing the button more often does not resolve the problem faster. It just makes a bad situation worse.

If you believe this is a bug which occurs only under specific circumstances or have observed the problem frequently, please contact us with a full description of the problem.


So i have no idea what to do....its a crappy system....errors etc ...the same showed months ago. Nothing changed.

Anyone know more about this failing system or what to do?





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1 hour ago, bellboy said:

I receive the mail, grab the contents put it in top area and i get the following

Anyone know more about this failing system or what to do?





The decoded body of the email goes into the bottom area, not the top. The properties of the email go into the top.

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Sorry you are still having issues. Sense your last post, Dec 2015, the admin you emailed has passed.

Are you still using an Open-xchange product to receive your email? Did you ever get that to work reporting spam to SpamCop?

How are you reporting spam; using the web form?, by email?, some other application?

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Hello, im submitting the spam here: https://www.spamcop.net

Im using program mailbird to get full text

It still shows here resolve incomplete mailhost configuration.

When i click that i still get:

500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, your request could not be processed.

Typically, this is the result of a temporary problem. Please re-try the operation which caused this error in a minute or two. You can even leave this error screen open and use your browser's "reload" button to re-try. Please do not press reload repeatedly though. Pressing the button more often does not resolve the problem faster. It just makes a bad situation worse.

If you believe this is a bug which occurs only under specific circumstances or have observed the problem frequently, please contact us with a full description of the problem.

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I tried what you suggested but still i get:


Host mc20.tb.mail.iss.local (checking ip) IP not found ; mc20.tb.mail.iss.local discarded as fake.

Sorry, SpamCop has encountered errors:

The email sample you submitted for (my mail)
appears to traverse more than one domain.  
Please ensure that you configure each mailhost individually and in order.

Proceed here:

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Interesting to say is that: when i get spam its received at my email @  chello.nl . Years after that it changed to > my email @ upcmail.nl , but UPC bought Ziggo because of its destroyed name. But my email isnt created with a Ziggo.nl

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