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False report, how to remove?


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Today I didn't pay enough attention and not only inadvertently reported an email coming from my own development server at work as spam, but also didn't check properly and acknowledged the report.

The admin of dpaste.com (which is mentioned in the mail) has rightfully complained, so I'd like to ask for assistance for getting that false report out of spamcop.

The report in question is https://www.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=showhistory;slice=reportid;val=6654330554

I hope you can help me out here!

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

Friedrich Delgado

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Unfortunately you are the only one that can see the link you provided.  There is not a process to correct your oversight.

However, If your report is the only report of this IP address, it was not added to the SC block list.  Even if others also reported the IP it came off the block list after 24 hours, without additional reports.

Look at the bottom of https://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/298.html for additional information, but I don't think the IP got listed but you could check at https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=map   If the admin of dpaste.com wants to follow-up with SC you should provide them with a written apology they can forward to SC.

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