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[Resolved] SpamCop System issues


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Complaints started early in the day of slowdowns, delays, non-receipt of confirmation e-mails, etc .. Statistics web pages have been 404 most of the day. Recent complaints are now talking of failure in the webmail login ... Although there are alarms and pagers in use that should have sent notifications out at a system failure, I can only state that it's a week-end, none of the Deputies has posted anywhere, no updated news ... I have sent e-mail all over the place, but that's about all I can offer at the moment.

Note: the paste-your-spam-in-the-box web-form is still working, and the actual reporting (from there) seems to be running .. so you can still report that way, if things are driving you crazy <g>

UPDATE: as of 1804 CST GMT-6;

Access to http://webmail.spamcop.net/ was down for a a while, but it's back now. Jeff is onsite working on it.

- Don -

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